feat: add PrettyTime component to fix hydration issues

This commit is contained in:
MiniDigger | Martin 2023-02-22 20:14:49 +01:00
parent 77b2ce3561
commit a467a03d7b
2 changed files with 54 additions and 24 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { computed } from "vue";
import { useI18n } from "vue-i18n";
import { DateTimeFormatOptions } from "@intlify/core-base";
const i18n = useI18n();
const props = defineProps<{
time: string | number | Date;
long?: boolean;
shortRelative?: boolean;
const date = computed(() => (typeof props.time !== "object" ? new Date(props.time) : props.time));
const options = computed<DateTimeFormatOptions & { prefix?: string }>(() => {
if (props.shortRelative) {
const today: Date = new Date();
const todayTime = today.getTime();
const dateTime = date.value.getTime();
const todayDays = Math.floor(todayTime / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24));
const dateDays = Math.floor(dateTime / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24));
// eslint-disable-next-line unicorn/prefer-switch
if (todayDays === dateDays) {
return { prefix: i18n.t("general.today"), hour: "numeric", minute: "numeric" };
} else if (todayDays === dateDays + 1) {
return { prefix: i18n.t("general.yesterday"), hour: "numeric", minute: "numeric" };
} else if (todayDays === dateDays - 1) {
return { prefix: i18n.t("general.tomorrow"), hour: "numeric", minute: "numeric" };
} else if (todayDays - dateDays < 7) {
return { weekday: "short", hour: "numeric", minute: "numeric" };
} else {
return { day: "numeric", month: "long", year: "numeric" };
} else if (props.long) {
return { day: "numeric", month: "long", year: "numeric", hour: "numeric", minute: "numeric" };
} else {
return { day: "numeric", month: "long", year: "numeric" };
const formattedDate = computed(() => {
const formatter = new Intl.DateTimeFormat(i18n.locale.value, options.value);
let formatted = formatter.format(date.value);
formatted = formatted.replace(/ at/, ","); // ???
const prefix = options.value.prefix ? options.value.prefix + " " : "";
return prefix + formatted;
const isoDate = computed(() => date.value.toISOString());
<time :datetime="isoDate">{{ formattedDate }}</time>

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@ -1,27 +1,3 @@
export function prettyDate(date: Date | string | number): string {
if (typeof date === "string" || typeof date === "number") {
date = new Date(date);
return date.toLocaleDateString(undefined, {
day: "numeric",
month: "long",
year: "numeric",
export function prettyDateTime(date: Date | string | number): string {
if (typeof date === "string" || typeof date === "number") {
date = new Date(date);
return date.toLocaleDateString(undefined, {
day: "numeric",
month: "2-digit",
year: "numeric",
hour: "numeric",
minute: "numeric",
* Requires yyyy-MM-DD format
* @param dateString