From 64bbabc39952a6410248179445b7aa409f162d49 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jake Potrebic <>
Date: Thu, 10 Sep 2020 12:17:56 -0700
Subject: [PATCH] added db migrations
docker/deployment/db/Dockerfile | 2 -
docker/deployment/db/init.sql | 1257 -----------------
docker/hangar/application.yml | 3 +
pom.xml | 7 +
src/main/resources/application.yml | 3 +
.../resources/db/migration/V1.0.0__init.sql | 1 -
.../migration/V1.0.1__versionsExternalUrl.sql | 1 +
7 files changed, 14 insertions(+), 1260 deletions(-)
delete mode 100644 docker/deployment/db/init.sql
rename docker/db/scripts/init.sql => src/main/resources/db/migration/V1.0.0__init.sql (99%)
create mode 100644 src/main/resources/db/migration/V1.0.1__versionsExternalUrl.sql
diff --git a/docker/deployment/db/Dockerfile b/docker/deployment/db/Dockerfile
index f1c1d0bea..521f78a34 100644
--- a/docker/deployment/db/Dockerfile
+++ b/docker/deployment/db/Dockerfile
@@ -1,3 +1 @@
FROM postgres:12-alpine
-COPY init.sql /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docker/deployment/db/init.sql b/docker/deployment/db/init.sql
deleted file mode 100644
index c94f03099..000000000
--- a/docker/deployment/db/init.sql
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1257 +0,0 @@
-create extension hstore;
-create extension pgcrypto;
-create role hangar with login password 'hangar';
-create type role_category as enum ('global', 'project', 'organization');
-alter type role_category owner to hangar;
-create type logged_action_type as enum (
- 'project_visibility_change',
- 'project_renamed',
- 'project_flagged',
- 'project_settings_changed',
- 'project_member_removed',
- 'project_icon_changed',
- 'project_flag_resolved',
- 'project_page_created',
- 'project_page_deleted',
- 'project_page_edited',
- 'version_deleted',
- 'version_uploaded',
- 'version_description_changed',
- 'version_review_state_changed',
- 'user_tagline_changed',
- 'user_locked',
- 'user_unlocked',
- 'user_apikey_create',
- 'user_apikey_delete',
- 'org_members_added',
- 'org_member_removed',
- 'org_member_roles_updated'
- );
-alter type logged_action_type owner to hangar;
-create type job_state as enum ('not_started', 'started', 'done', 'fatal_failure');
-alter type job_state owner to hangar;
-create table users
- id bigint not null
- constraint users_pkey
- primary key,
- created_at timestamp with time zone not null,
- full_name varchar(255),
- name varchar(255) not null
- constraint users_name_key
- unique,
- email varchar(255)
- constraint users_email_key
- unique,
- tagline varchar(255),
- join_date timestamp with time zone,
- read_prompts integer[] default '{}'::integer[] not null,
- is_locked boolean default false not null,
- language varchar(16)
-alter table users owner to hangar;
-create table projects
- id bigserial not null
- constraint projects_pkey
- primary key,
- created_at timestamp with time zone not null,
- plugin_id varchar(255) not null
- constraint projects_plugin_id_key
- unique,
- name varchar(255) not null,
- slug varchar(255) not null,
- owner_name varchar(255) not null
- constraint projects_owner_name_fkey
- references users (name)
- on update cascade,
- recommended_version_id bigint,
- owner_id bigint not null
- constraint projects_owner_id_fkey
- references users
- on delete cascade,
- topic_id integer,
- post_id integer,
- category integer not null,
- description varchar(255),
- visibility integer default 1 not null,
- notes jsonb default '{}'::jsonb not null,
- keywords text[] default ARRAY[]::text[] not null,
- homepage varchar(255),
- issues varchar(255),
- source varchar(255),
- support varchar(255),
- license_name varchar(255),
- license_url varchar(255),
- forum_sync boolean default true not null,
- constraint projects_owner_name_name_key
- unique (owner_name, name),
- constraint projects_owner_name_slug_key
- unique (owner_name, slug)
-alter table projects owner to hangar;
-create index projects_recommended_version_id
- on projects (recommended_version_id);
-create index projects_owner_id
- on projects (owner_id);
-create table project_stars
- user_id bigint not null
- constraint project_stars_user_id_fkey
- references users
- on delete cascade,
- project_id bigint not null
- constraint project_stars_project_id_fkey
- references projects
- on delete cascade,
- constraint project_stars_pkey
- primary key (user_id, project_id)
-alter table project_stars owner to hangar;
-create table project_pages
- id bigserial not null
- constraint pages_pkey
- primary key,
- created_at timestamp with time zone not null,
- project_id bigint not null
- constraint pages_project_id_fkey
- references projects
- on delete cascade,
- name varchar(255) not null,
- slug varchar(255) not null,
- contents text default ''::text not null,
- is_deletable boolean default true not null,
- parent_id bigint
- constraint project_pages_parent_id_fkey
- references project_pages
- on delete set null
-alter table project_pages owner to hangar;
-create index page_slug_idx
- on project_pages (lower(slug::text));
-create index page_parent_id_idx
- on project_pages (parent_id);
-create table project_channels
- id bigserial not null
- constraint channels_pkey
- primary key,
- created_at timestamp with time zone not null,
- name varchar(255) not null,
- color integer not null,
- project_id bigint not null
- constraint channels_project_id_fkey
- references projects
- on delete cascade,
- is_non_reviewed boolean default false not null,
- constraint channels_project_id_name_key
- unique (project_id, name),
- constraint channels_project_id_color_id_key
- unique (project_id, color)
-alter table project_channels owner to hangar;
-create table project_versions
- id bigserial not null
- constraint versions_pkey
- primary key,
- created_at timestamp with time zone not null,
- version_string varchar(255) not null,
- dependencies varchar(255) [] not null,
- description text,
- project_id bigint not null
- constraint versions_project_id_fkey
- references projects
- on delete cascade,
- channel_id bigint not null
- constraint versions_channel_id_fkey
- references project_channels
- on delete cascade,
- file_size bigint default 1 not null
- constraint versions_file_size_check
- check (file_size > 0),
- hash varchar(32) not null,
- file_name varchar(255) not null,
- reviewer_id bigint
- constraint project_versions_reviewer_id_fkey
- references users
- on delete set null,
- approved_at timestamp with time zone,
- author_id bigint
- constraint project_versions_author_id_fkey
- references users
- on delete set null,
- visibility integer default 1 not null,
- review_state integer default 0 not null,
- create_forum_post boolean not null,
- post_id integer
-alter table project_versions owner to hangar;
-alter table projects
- add constraint projects_recommended_version_id_fkey
- foreign key (recommended_version_id) references project_versions
- on delete set null;
-create unique index versions_project_id_version_string_idx
- on project_versions (project_id, version_string);
-create table user_project_roles
- id bigserial not null
- constraint user_project_roles_pkey
- primary key,
- created_at timestamp with time zone not null,
- user_id bigint not null
- constraint user_project_roles_user_id_fkey
- references users
- on delete cascade,
- role_type varchar not null,
- project_id bigint not null
- constraint user_project_roles_project_id_fkey
- references projects
- on delete cascade,
- is_accepted boolean default false not null,
- constraint user_project_roles_user_id_role_type_id_project_id_key
- unique (user_id, role_type, project_id)
-alter table user_project_roles owner to hangar;
-create table project_flags
- id bigserial not null
- constraint flags_pkey
- primary key,
- created_at timestamp with time zone not null,
- project_id bigint not null
- constraint flags_project_id_fkey
- references projects
- on delete cascade,
- user_id bigint not null
- constraint flags_user_id_fkey
- references users
- on delete cascade,
- reason integer not null,
- is_resolved boolean default false not null,
- comment text not null,
- resolved_at timestamp with time zone,
- resolved_by bigint
- constraint project_flags_resolved_by_fkey
- references users
- on delete set null
-alter table project_flags owner to hangar;
-create table notifications
- id bigserial not null
- constraint notifications_pkey
- primary key,
- created_at timestamp with time zone not null,
- user_id bigint not null
- constraint notifications_user_id_fkey
- references users
- on delete cascade,
- notification_type integer not null,
- action varchar(255),
- read boolean default false not null,
- origin_id bigint
- constraint notifications_origin_id_fkey
- references users
- on delete set null,
- message_args varchar(255) [] not null
-alter table notifications owner to hangar;
-create table project_watchers
- project_id bigint not null
- constraint project_watchers_project_id_fkey
- references projects
- on delete cascade,
- user_id bigint not null
- constraint project_watchers_user_id_fkey
- references users
- on delete cascade,
- constraint project_watchers_pkey
- primary key (project_id, user_id),
- constraint project_watchers_project_id_user_id_key
- unique (project_id, user_id)
-alter table project_watchers owner to hangar;
-create table organizations
- id bigserial not null
- constraint organizations_pkey
- primary key,
- created_at timestamp with time zone not null,
- name varchar(20) not null
- constraint organizations_name_key
- unique
- constraint organizations_name_fkey
- references users (name)
- on update cascade,
- owner_id bigint not null
- constraint organizations_owner_id_fkey
- references users
- on delete cascade,
- user_id bigint
- constraint organizations_user_id_fkey
- references users
- on delete cascade
-alter table organizations owner to hangar;
-create table organization_members
- user_id bigint not null
- constraint organization_members_user_id_fkey
- references users
- on delete cascade,
- organization_id bigint not null
- constraint organization_members_organization_id_fkey
- references organizations
- on delete cascade,
- constraint organization_members_pkey
- primary key (user_id, organization_id)
-alter table organization_members owner to hangar;
-create table user_organization_roles
- id bigserial not null
- constraint user_organization_roles_pkey
- primary key,
- created_at timestamp with time zone not null,
- user_id bigint not null
- constraint user_organization_roles_user_id_fkey
- references users
- on delete cascade,
- role_type varchar not null,
- organization_id bigint not null
- constraint user_organization_roles_organization_id_fkey
- references organizations
- on delete cascade,
- is_accepted boolean default false not null,
- constraint user_organization_roles_user_id_role_type_id_organization_id_ke
- unique (user_id, role_type, organization_id)
-alter table user_organization_roles owner to hangar;
-create table project_members
- project_id bigint not null
- constraint project_members_project_id_fkey
- references projects
- on delete cascade,
- user_id bigint not null
- constraint project_members_user_id_fkey
- references users
- on delete cascade,
- constraint project_members_pkey
- primary key (project_id, user_id)
-alter table project_members owner to hangar;
-create table user_sessions
- id bigserial not null
- constraint sessions_pkey
- primary key,
- created_at timestamp with time zone not null,
- expiration timestamp with time zone not null,
- token varchar(255) not null,
- user_id bigint not null
- constraint user_sessions_user_id_fkey
- references users
- on delete cascade
-alter table user_sessions owner to hangar;
-create index user_session_token_idx
- on user_sessions (token);
-create table user_sign_ons
- id bigserial not null
- constraint sign_ons_pkey
- primary key,
- created_at timestamp with time zone not null,
- nonce varchar(255) not null
- constraint sign_ons_nonce_key
- unique,
- is_completed boolean default false not null
-alter table user_sign_ons owner to hangar;
-create table project_version_unsafe_downloads
- id bigserial not null
- constraint project_version_unsafe_downloads_pkey
- primary key,
- created_at timestamp with time zone not null,
- user_id bigint
- constraint project_version_unsafe_downloads_fkey
- references users
- on delete cascade,
- address inet not null,
- download_type integer not null
-alter table project_version_unsafe_downloads owner to hangar;
-create table project_version_download_warnings
- id bigserial not null
- constraint project_version_download_warnings_pkey
- primary key,
- created_at timestamp with time zone not null,
- expiration timestamp with time zone not null,
- token varchar(255) not null,
- version_id bigint not null
- constraint project_version_download_warnings_version_id_fkey
- references project_versions
- on delete cascade,
- address inet not null,
- is_confirmed boolean default false not null,
- download_id bigint
- constraint project_version_download_warnings_download_id_fkey
- references project_version_unsafe_downloads
- on delete cascade,
- constraint project_version_download_warnings_address_key
- unique (address, version_id)
-alter table project_version_download_warnings owner to hangar;
-create table project_api_keys
- id bigserial not null
- constraint project_api_keys_pkey
- primary key,
- created_at timestamp with time zone not null,
- project_id bigint not null
- constraint project_api_keys_project_id_fkey
- references projects
- on delete cascade,
- value varchar(255) not null
-alter table project_api_keys owner to hangar;
-create table project_version_reviews
- id bigserial not null
- constraint project_version_reviews_pkey
- primary key,
- version_id bigint not null
- constraint project_version_reviews_version_id_fkey
- references project_versions
- on delete cascade,
- user_id bigint not null
- constraint project_version_reviews_user_id_fkey
- references users
- on delete cascade,
- created_at timestamp with time zone default now() not null,
- ended_at timestamp with time zone,
- comment jsonb default '{}'::jsonb not null
-alter table project_version_reviews owner to hangar;
-create table project_visibility_changes
- id bigserial not null
- constraint project_visibility_changes_pkey
- primary key,
- created_at timestamp with time zone default now() not null,
- created_by bigint not null
- constraint project_visibility_changes_created_by_fkey
- references users
- on delete cascade,
- project_id bigint not null
- constraint project_visibility_changes_project_id_fkey
- references projects
- on delete cascade,
- comment text not null,
- resolved_at timestamp with time zone,
- resolved_by bigint
- constraint project_visibility_changes_resolved_by_fkey
- references users
- on delete cascade,
- visibility integer not null
-alter table project_visibility_changes owner to hangar;
-create table project_version_visibility_changes
- id bigserial not null
- constraint project_version_visibility_changes_pkey
- primary key,
- created_at timestamp with time zone default now() not null,
- created_by bigint not null
- constraint project_version_visibility_changes_created_by_fkey
- references users
- on delete cascade,
- version_id bigint not null
- constraint project_version_visibility_changes_version_id_fkey
- references project_versions
- on delete cascade,
- comment text not null,
- resolved_at timestamp with time zone,
- resolved_by bigint
- constraint project_version_visibility_changes_resolved_by_fkey
- references users
- on delete cascade,
- visibility integer not null
-alter table project_version_visibility_changes owner to hangar;
-create table project_version_tags
- id bigserial not null
- constraint project_version_tags_pkey
- primary key,
- version_id bigint not null
- constraint project_version_tags_version_id_fkey
- references project_versions
- on delete cascade,
- name varchar(255) not null,
- data varchar(255),
- color integer not null
-alter table project_version_tags owner to hangar;
-create index projects_versions_tags_version_id
- on project_version_tags (version_id);
-create index project_version_tags_name_data_idx
- on project_version_tags (name, data);
-create table roles
- id bigint not null
- constraint roles_pkey
- primary key,
- name varchar(255) not null,
- category role_category not null,
- title varchar(255) not null,
- color varchar(255) not null,
- is_assignable boolean not null,
- rank integer,
- permission bit(64) default '0'::bit(64) not null
-alter table roles owner to hangar;
-create unique index role_name_idx
- on roles (name);
-create table user_global_roles
- user_id bigint not null
- constraint user_global_roles_user_id_fkey
- references users
- on delete cascade,
- role_id bigint not null
- constraint user_global_roles_role_id_fkey
- references roles
- on delete cascade,
- constraint user_global_roles_pkey
- primary key (user_id, role_id)
-alter table user_global_roles owner to hangar;
-create table api_keys
- id bigserial not null
- constraint api_keys_pkey
- primary key,
- created_at timestamp with time zone not null,
- name varchar(255) not null,
- owner_id bigint not null
- constraint api_keys_owner_id_fkey
- references users
- on delete cascade,
- token_identifier varchar(255) not null
- constraint api_keys_token_identifier_key
- unique,
- token text not null,
- raw_key_permissions bit(64) not null,
- constraint api_keys_owner_id_name_key
- unique (owner_id, name)
-alter table api_keys owner to hangar;
-create table api_sessions
- id bigserial not null
- constraint api_sessions_pkey
- primary key,
- created_at timestamp with time zone not null,
- token varchar(255) not null,
- key_id bigint
- constraint api_sessions_key_id_fkey
- references api_keys
- on delete cascade,
- user_id bigint
- constraint api_sessions_user_id_fkey
- references users
- on delete cascade,
- expires timestamp with time zone not null
-alter table api_sessions owner to hangar;
-create table logged_actions_project
- id bigserial not null
- constraint logged_actions_project_pkey
- primary key,
- created_at timestamp with time zone not null,
- user_id bigint
- constraint logged_actions_project_user_id_fkey
- references users
- on delete set null,
- address inet not null,
- action logged_action_type not null,
- project_id bigint
- constraint logged_actions_project_project_id_fkey
- references projects
- on delete set null,
- new_state text not null,
- old_state text not null
-alter table logged_actions_project owner to hangar;
-create table logged_actions_version
- id bigserial not null
- constraint logged_actions_version_pkey
- primary key,
- created_at timestamp with time zone not null,
- user_id bigint
- constraint logged_actions_version_user_id_fkey
- references users
- on delete set null,
- address inet not null,
- action logged_action_type not null,
- project_id bigint
- constraint logged_actions_version_project_id_fkey
- references projects
- on delete set null,
- version_id bigint
- constraint logged_actions_version_version_id_fkey
- references project_versions
- on delete set null,
- new_state text not null,
- old_state text not null
-alter table logged_actions_version owner to hangar;
-create table logged_actions_page
- id bigserial not null
- constraint logged_actions_page_pkey
- primary key,
- created_at timestamp with time zone not null,
- user_id bigint
- constraint logged_actions_page_user_id_fkey
- references users
- on delete set null,
- address inet not null,
- action logged_action_type not null,
- project_id bigint
- constraint logged_actions_page_project_id_fkey
- references projects
- on delete set null,
- page_id bigint
- constraint logged_actions_page_page_id_fkey
- references project_pages
- on delete set null,
- new_state text not null,
- old_state text not null
-alter table logged_actions_page owner to hangar;
-create table logged_actions_user
- id bigserial not null
- constraint logged_actions_user_pkey
- primary key,
- created_at timestamp with time zone not null,
- user_id bigint
- constraint logged_actions_user_user_id_fkey
- references users
- on delete set null,
- address inet not null,
- action logged_action_type not null,
- subject_id bigint
- constraint logged_actions_user_subject_id_fkey
- references users
- on delete set null,
- new_state text not null,
- old_state text not null
-alter table logged_actions_user owner to hangar;
-create table logged_actions_organization
- id bigserial not null
- constraint logged_actions_organization_pkey
- primary key,
- created_at timestamp with time zone not null,
- user_id bigint
- constraint logged_actions_organization_user_id_fkey
- references users
- on delete set null,
- address inet not null,
- action logged_action_type not null,
- organization_id bigint
- constraint logged_actions_organization_organization_id_fkey
- references organizations
- on delete set null,
- new_state text not null,
- old_state text not null
-alter table logged_actions_organization owner to hangar;
-create table project_versions_downloads_individual
- id bigserial not null
- constraint project_versions_downloads_individual_pkey
- primary key,
- created_at timestamp with time zone not null,
- project_id bigint not null
- constraint project_versions_downloads_individual_project_id_fkey
- references projects
- on delete cascade,
- version_id bigint not null
- constraint project_versions_downloads_individual_version_id_fkey
- references project_versions
- on delete cascade,
- address inet not null,
- cookie varchar(36) not null,
- user_id bigint
- constraint project_versions_downloads_individual_user_id_fkey
- references users
- on delete set null,
- processed integer default 0 not null
-alter table project_versions_downloads_individual owner to hangar;
-create table project_versions_downloads
- day date not null,
- project_id bigint not null
- constraint project_versions_downloads_project_id_fkey
- references projects
- on delete cascade,
- version_id bigint not null
- constraint project_versions_downloads_version_id_fkey
- references project_versions
- on delete cascade,
- downloads integer not null,
- constraint project_versions_downloads_pkey
- primary key (day, version_id)
-alter table project_versions_downloads owner to hangar;
-create index project_versions_downloads_project_id_version_id_idx
- on project_versions_downloads (project_id, version_id);
-create table project_views_individual
- id bigserial not null
- constraint project_views_individual_pkey
- primary key,
- created_at timestamp with time zone not null,
- project_id bigint not null
- constraint project_views_individual_project_id_fkey
- references projects
- on delete cascade,
- address inet not null,
- cookie varchar(36) not null,
- user_id bigint
- constraint project_views_individual_user_id_fkey
- references users
- on delete set null,
- processed integer default 0 not null
-alter table project_views_individual owner to hangar;
-create table project_views
- day date not null default current_date,
- project_id bigint not null
- constraint project_views_project_id_fkey
- references projects
- on delete cascade,
- views integer not null default 1,
- constraint project_views_pkey
- primary key (project_id, day)
-alter table project_views owner to hangar;
-create table jobs
- id bigserial not null
- constraint jobs_pkey
- primary key,
- created_at timestamp with time zone not null,
- last_updated timestamp with time zone,
- retry_at timestamp with time zone,
- last_error text,
- last_error_descriptor text,
- state job_state not null,
- job_type text not null,
- job_properties hstore not null
-alter table jobs owner to hangar;
-create view project_members_all(id, user_id) as
- pm.user_id
-FROM projects p
- LEFT JOIN project_members pm ON = pm.project_id
- om.user_id
-FROM projects p
- LEFT JOIN organization_members om ON p.owner_id = om.organization_id
-WHERE om.user_id IS NOT NULL;
-alter table project_members_all owner to hangar;
-create materialized view home_projects as
-WITH tags AS (
- SELECT sq.project_id,
- sq.version_string,
- sq.tag_name,
- sq.tag_version,
- sq.tag_color
- FROM (SELECT pv.project_id,
- pv.version_string,
- AS tag_name,
- AS tag_version,
- pvt.platform_version,
- pvt.color AS tag_color,
- row_number()
- OVER (PARTITION BY pv.project_id, pvt.platform_version ORDER BY pv.created_at DESC) AS row_num
- FROM project_versions pv
- JOIN (SELECT pvti.version_id,
- WHEN = 'Sponge'::text THEN "substring"(,
- '^\[?(\d+)\.\d+(?:\.\d+)?(?:-SNAPSHOT)?(?:-[a-z0-9]{7,9})?(?:,(?:\d+\.\d+(?:\.\d+)?)?\))?$'::text)
- WHEN = 'SpongeForge'::text THEN "substring"(,
- '^\d+\.\d+\.\d+-\d+-(\d+)\.\d+\.\d+(?:(?:-BETA-\d+)|(?:-RC\d+))?$'::text)
- WHEN = 'SpongeVanilla'::text THEN "substring"(,
- '^\d+\.\d+\.\d+-(\d+)\.\d+\.\d+(?:(?:-BETA-\d+)|(?:-RC\d+))?$'::text)
- WHEN = 'Forge'::text
- THEN "substring"(, '^\d+\.(\d+)\.\d+(?:\.\d+)?$'::text)
- WHEN = 'Lantern'::text THEN NULL::text
- WHEN = 'Paper'::text THEN
- WHEN = 'Waterfall'::text THEN
- WHEN = 'Velocity'::text THEN
- ELSE NULL::text
- END AS platform_version,
- pvti.color
- FROM project_version_tags pvti
- (ARRAY ['Sponge'::character varying, 'SpongeForge'::character varying, 'SpongeVanilla'::character varying, 'Forge'::character varying, 'Lantern'::character varying, 'Paper'::character varying, 'Waterfall'::character varying, 'Velocity'::character varying]::text[]))
- AND IS NOT NULL) pvt ON = pvt.version_id
- WHERE pv.visibility = 0
- AND ( = ANY
- (ARRAY ['Sponge'::character varying, 'SpongeForge'::character varying, 'SpongeVanilla'::character varying, 'Forge'::character varying, 'Lantern'::character varying, 'Paper'::character varying, 'Waterfall'::character varying, 'Velocity'::character varying]::text[]))
- AND pvt.platform_version IS NOT NULL) sq
- WHERE sq.row_num = 1
- ORDER BY sq.platform_version DESC
- p.owner_name,
- array_agg(DISTINCT pm.user_id) AS project_members,
- p.slug,
- p.visibility,
- COALESCE(pva.views, 0::bigint) AS views,
- COALESCE(pda.downloads, 0::bigint) AS downloads,
- COALESCE(pvr.recent_views, 0::bigint) AS recent_views,
- COALESCE(pdr.recent_downloads, 0::bigint) AS recent_downloads,
- COALESCE(ps.stars, 0::bigint) AS stars,
- COALESCE(pw.watchers, 0::bigint) AS watchers,
- p.category,
- p.description,
- p.plugin_id,
- p.created_at,
- max(lv.created_at) AS last_updated,
- to_jsonb(ARRAY(SELECT jsonb_build_object('version_string', tags.version_string, 'tag_name', tags.tag_name,
- 'tag_version', tags.tag_version, 'tag_color',
- tags.tag_color) AS jsonb_build_object
- FROM tags
- WHERE tags.project_id =
- LIMIT 5)) AS promoted_versions,
- ((setweight((to_tsvector('english'::regconfig, ||
- to_tsvector('english'::regconfig, regexp_replace(, '([a-z])([A-Z]+)'::text,
- '\1_\2'::text, 'g'::text))) ||
- to_tsvector('english'::regconfig, p.plugin_id::text), 'A'::"char") ||
- setweight(to_tsvector('english'::regconfig, p.description::text), 'B'::"char")) ||
- setweight(to_tsvector('english'::regconfig, array_to_string(p.keywords, ' '::text)), 'C'::"char")) || setweight(
- to_tsvector('english'::regconfig, p.owner_name::text) || to_tsvector('english'::regconfig,
- regexp_replace(
- p.owner_name::text,
- '([a-z])([A-Z]+)'::text,
- '\1_\2'::text,
- 'g'::text)),
- 'D'::"char") AS search_words
-FROM projects p
- LEFT JOIN project_versions lv ON = lv.project_id
- JOIN project_members_all pm ON =
- COUNT(ps_1.user_id) AS stars
- FROM projects p_1
- LEFT JOIN project_stars ps_1 ON = ps_1.project_id
- GROUP BY ps ON =
- count(pw_1.user_id) AS watchers
- FROM projects p_1
- LEFT JOIN project_watchers pw_1 ON = pw_1.project_id
- GROUP BY pw ON =
- LEFT JOIN (SELECT pv.project_id,
- sum(pv.views) AS views
- FROM project_views pv
- GROUP BY pv.project_id) pva ON = pva.project_id
- LEFT JOIN (SELECT pv.project_id,
- sum(pv.downloads) AS downloads
- FROM project_versions_downloads pv
- GROUP BY pv.project_id) pda ON = pda.project_id
- LEFT JOIN (SELECT pv.project_id,
- sum(pv.views) AS recent_views
- FROM project_views pv
- WHERE >= (CURRENT_DATE - '30 days'::interval)
- GROUP BY pv.project_id) pvr ON = pvr.project_id
- LEFT JOIN (SELECT pv.project_id,
- sum(pv.downloads) AS recent_downloads
- FROM project_versions_downloads pv
- WHERE >= (CURRENT_DATE - '30 days'::interval)
- GROUP BY pv.project_id) pdr ON = pdr.project_id
-GROUP BY, ps.stars, pw.watchers, pva.views, pda.downloads, pvr.recent_views, pdr.recent_downloads;
-alter materialized view home_projects owner to hangar;
-create view global_trust(user_id, permission) as
-SELECT gr.user_id,
- COALESCE(bit_or(r.permission), '0'::bit(64)) AS permission
-FROM user_global_roles gr
- JOIN roles r ON gr.role_id =
-GROUP BY gr.user_id;
-alter table global_trust owner to hangar;
-create view project_trust(project_id, user_id, permission) as
-SELECT pm.project_id,
- pm.user_id,
- COALESCE(bit_or(r.permission), '0'::bit(64)) AS permission
-FROM project_members pm
- JOIN user_project_roles rp ON pm.project_id = rp.project_id AND pm.user_id = rp.user_id AND rp.is_accepted
- JOIN roles r ON rp.role_type::text =
-GROUP BY pm.project_id, pm.user_id;
-alter table project_trust owner to hangar;
-create view organization_trust(organization_id, user_id, permission) as
-SELECT om.organization_id,
- om.user_id,
- COALESCE(bit_or(r.permission), '0'::bit(64)) AS permission
-FROM organization_members om
- JOIN user_organization_roles ro
- ON om.organization_id = ro.organization_id AND om.user_id = ro.user_id AND ro.is_accepted
- JOIN roles r ON ro.role_type::text =
-GROUP BY om.organization_id, om.user_id;
-alter table organization_trust owner to hangar;
-create view v_logged_actions(id, created_at, user_id, user_name, address, action, context_type, new_state, old_state, p_id, p_plugin_id, p_slug, p_owner_name, pv_id, pv_version_string, pp_id, pp_name, pp_slug, s_id, s_name) as
- a.created_at,
- a.user_id,
- AS user_name,
- a.address,
- a.action,
- 0 AS context_type,
- a.new_state,
- a.old_state,
- AS p_id,
- p.plugin_id AS p_plugin_id,
- p.slug AS p_slug,
- AS p_owner_name,
- NULL::bigint AS pv_id,
- NULL::character varying(255) AS pv_version_string,
- NULL::bigint AS pp_id,
- NULL::character varying(255) AS pp_name,
- NULL::character varying(255) AS pp_slug,
- NULL::bigint AS s_id,
- NULL::character varying(255) AS s_name
-FROM logged_actions_project a
- LEFT JOIN users u ON a.user_id =
- LEFT JOIN projects p ON a.project_id =
- LEFT JOIN users ou ON p.owner_id =
- a.created_at,
- a.user_id,
- AS user_name,
- a.address,
- a.action,
- 1 AS context_type,
- a.new_state,
- a.old_state,
- AS p_id,
- p.plugin_id AS p_plugin_id,
- p.slug AS p_slug,
- AS p_owner_name,
- AS pv_id,
- pv.version_string AS pv_version_string,
- NULL::bigint AS pp_id,
- NULL::character varying AS pp_name,
- NULL::character varying AS pp_slug,
- NULL::bigint AS s_id,
- NULL::character varying AS s_name
-FROM logged_actions_version a
- LEFT JOIN users u ON a.user_id =
- LEFT JOIN project_versions pv ON a.version_id =
- LEFT JOIN projects p ON a.project_id =
- LEFT JOIN users ou ON p.owner_id =
- a.created_at,
- a.user_id,
- AS user_name,
- a.address,
- a.action,
- 2 AS context_type,
- a.new_state,
- a.old_state,
- AS p_id,
- p.plugin_id AS p_plugin_id,
- p.slug AS p_slug,
- AS p_owner_name,
- NULL::bigint AS pv_id,
- NULL::character varying AS pv_version_string,
- AS pp_id,
- AS pp_name,
- pp.slug AS pp_slug,
- NULL::bigint AS s_id,
- NULL::character varying AS s_name
-FROM logged_actions_page a
- LEFT JOIN users u ON a.user_id =
- LEFT JOIN project_pages pp ON a.page_id =
- LEFT JOIN projects p ON a.project_id =
- LEFT JOIN users ou ON p.owner_id =
- a.created_at,
- a.user_id,
- AS user_name,
- a.address,
- a.action,
- 3 AS context_type,
- a.new_state,
- a.old_state,
- NULL::bigint AS p_id,
- NULL::character varying AS p_plugin_id,
- NULL::character varying AS p_slug,
- NULL::character varying AS p_owner_name,
- NULL::bigint AS pv_id,
- NULL::character varying AS pv_version_string,
- NULL::bigint AS pp_id,
- NULL::character varying AS pp_name,
- NULL::character varying AS pp_slug,
- AS s_id,
- AS s_name
-FROM logged_actions_user a
- LEFT JOIN users u ON a.user_id =
- LEFT JOIN users s ON a.subject_id =
- a.created_at,
- a.user_id,
- AS user_name,
- a.address,
- a.action,
- 4 AS context_type,
- a.new_state,
- a.old_state,
- NULL::bigint AS p_id,
- NULL::character varying AS p_plugin_id,
- NULL::character varying AS p_slug,
- NULL::character varying AS p_owner_name,
- NULL::bigint AS pv_id,
- NULL::character varying AS pv_version_string,
- NULL::bigint AS pp_id,
- NULL::character varying AS pp_name,
- NULL::character varying AS pp_slug,
- AS s_id,
- AS s_name
-FROM logged_actions_organization a
- LEFT JOIN organizations o ON a.organization_id =
- LEFT JOIN users u ON a.user_id =
- LEFT JOIN users s ON o.user_id =;
-alter table v_logged_actions owner to hangar;
-create function delete_old_project_version_download_warnings() returns trigger
- language plpgsql
-as $$
- DELETE FROM project_version_download_warnings WHERE created_at < current_date - interval '30' day;
-alter function delete_old_project_version_download_warnings() owner to hangar;
-create trigger clean_old_project_version_download_warnings
- after insert
- on project_version_download_warnings
-execute procedure delete_old_project_version_download_warnings();
-create function delete_old_project_version_unsafe_downloads() returns trigger
- language plpgsql
-as $$
- DELETE FROM project_version_unsafe_downloads WHERE created_at < current_date - interval '30' day;
-alter function delete_old_project_version_unsafe_downloads() owner to hangar;
-create trigger clean_old_project_version_unsafe_downloads
- after insert
- on project_version_unsafe_downloads
-execute procedure delete_old_project_version_unsafe_downloads();
-create function update_project_name_trigger() returns trigger
- language plpgsql
-as $$
- UPDATE projects p SET name = FROM users u WHERE = AND = new.owner_id;
-alter function update_project_name_trigger() owner to hangar;
-create trigger project_owner_name_updater
- after update
- of owner_id
- on projects
- for each row
- when (old.owner_id <> new.owner_id)
-execute procedure update_project_name_trigger();
-create function logged_action_type_from_int(id integer) returns logged_action_type
- immutable
- strict
- language plpgsql
-as $$
- CASE id
- WHEN 0 THEN RETURN 'project_visibility_change';
- WHEN 2 THEN RETURN 'project_renamed';
- WHEN 3 THEN RETURN 'project_flagged';
- WHEN 4 THEN RETURN 'project_settings_changed';
- WHEN 5 THEN RETURN 'project_member_removed';
- WHEN 6 THEN RETURN 'project_icon_changed';
- WHEN 7 THEN RETURN 'project_page_edited';
- WHEN 13 THEN RETURN 'project_flag_resolved';
- WHEN 8 THEN RETURN 'version_deleted';
- WHEN 9 THEN RETURN 'version_uploaded';
- WHEN 12 THEN RETURN 'version_description_changed';
- WHEN 17 THEN RETURN 'version_review_state_changed';
- WHEN 14 THEN RETURN 'user_tagline_changed';
-alter function logged_action_type_from_int(integer) owner to hangar;
-create function websearch_to_tsquery_postfix(dictionary regconfig, query text) returns tsquery
- immutable
- strict
- language plpgsql
-as $$
- arr TEXT[] := regexp_split_to_array(query, '\s+');
- last TEXT := websearch_to_tsquery('simple', arr[array_length(arr, 1)])::TEXT;
- init TSQUERY := websearch_to_tsquery(dictionary, regexp_replace(query, '\S+$', ''));
- IF last = '' THEN
- RETURN init && $2::TSQUERY;
- RETURN init && websearch_to_tsquery('');
- END;
- RETURN init && (websearch_to_tsquery(dictionary, last) || to_tsquery('simple', last || ':*'));
-alter function websearch_to_tsquery_postfix(regconfig, text) owner to hangar;
diff --git a/docker/hangar/application.yml b/docker/hangar/application.yml
index 8c61c0899..55ccd6da4 100644
--- a/docker/hangar/application.yml
+++ b/docker/hangar/application.yml
@@ -16,6 +16,9 @@ spring:
additional-exclude: work/**
+ flyway:
+ baseline-on-migrate: true
+ baseline-version: "1.0.0"
enabled: false
diff --git a/pom.xml b/pom.xml
index 052e09ecb..07347e624 100644
--- a/pom.xml
+++ b/pom.xml
@@ -165,6 +165,13 @@
+ org.flywaydb
+ flyway-core
+ 6.5.5
diff --git a/src/main/resources/application.yml b/src/main/resources/application.yml
index 38b8546da..a84de0a24 100644
--- a/src/main/resources/application.yml
+++ b/src/main/resources/application.yml
@@ -25,6 +25,9 @@ spring:
additional-exclude: work/**
+ flyway:
+ baseline-on-migrate: true
+ baseline-version: "1.0.0"
# Fake User #
diff --git a/docker/db/scripts/init.sql b/src/main/resources/db/migration/V1.0.0__init.sql
similarity index 99%
rename from docker/db/scripts/init.sql
rename to src/main/resources/db/migration/V1.0.0__init.sql
index b796a5aa4..9baaa2e63 100644
--- a/docker/db/scripts/init.sql
+++ b/src/main/resources/db/migration/V1.0.0__init.sql
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
-\c hangar
create extension hstore;
create extension pgcrypto;
diff --git a/src/main/resources/db/migration/V1.0.1__versionsExternalUrl.sql b/src/main/resources/db/migration/V1.0.1__versionsExternalUrl.sql
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1cf0d9981
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/resources/db/migration/V1.0.1__versionsExternalUrl.sql
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ALTER TABLE project_versions ADD COLUMN external_url varchar(255);
\ No newline at end of file