mirror of
synced 2025-01-30 14:30:08 +08:00
@ -7,16 +7,20 @@ import ProjectCard from "~/components/projects/ProjectCard.vue";
const i18n = useI18n();
const props = defineProps({
projects: {
type: Object as PropType<PaginatedResult<Project>>,
required: true,
const props = defineProps<{
projects: PaginatedResult<Project>;
const emit = defineEmits<{
(e: "update:page", value: number): void;
function updatePage(newPage: number) {
emit("update:page", newPage);
<Pagination :items="projects?.result">
<Pagination v-if="projects?.result" :items="projects.result" :server-pagination="projects.pagination" @update:page="updatePage">
<template #default="{ item }">
<ProjectCard :project="item"></ProjectCard>
@ -37,22 +37,26 @@ const sorters = [
{ id: "-recent_downloads", label: i18n.t("project.sorting.recentDownloads") },
const toArray = (input: unknown) => (Array.isArray(input) ? input : input ? [input] : []);
const filters = ref({
versions: [],
categories: [],
platform: null,
licenses: [],
versions: toArray(route.query.version),
categories: toArray(route.query.category),
platform: route.query.platform || null,
licenses: toArray(route.query.license),
const activeSorter = ref<string>((route.query.sort as string) || "-updated");
const page = ref(route.query.page ? Number(route.query.page) : 0);
const query = ref<string>((route.query.q as string) || "");
const loggedOut = ref<boolean>("loggedOut" in route.query);
const projects = ref<PaginatedResult<Project> | null>();
const activeSorter = ref<string>("-updated");
const requestParams = computed(() => {
// TODO change the limit back to something larger
const limit = 4;
const params: Record<string, any> = {
limit: 25,
offset: 0,
limit: limit,
offset: page.value * limit,
version: filters.value.versions,
category: filters.value.categories,
platform: filters.value.platform !== null ? [filters.value.platform] : [],
@ -64,19 +68,43 @@ const requestParams = computed(() => {
if (activeSorter.value) {
params.sort = activeSorter.value;
return params;
const p = await useProjects(requestParams.value).catch((e) => handleRequestError(e, ctx, i18n));
if (p && p.value) {
projects.value = p.value;
await checkOffsetLargerCount();
watch(filters, async () => updateProjects(), { deep: true });
watch(query, async () => updateProjects());
watch(activeSorter, async () => updateProjects());
watch(filters, () => (page.value = 0), { deep: true });
watch(query, () => (page.value = 0));
watch(activeSorter, () => (page.value = 0));
async () => {
// dont want limit in url, its hardcoded in frontend
// offset we dont want, we set page instead
const { limit, offset, ...paramsWithoutLimit } = requestParams.value;
// set the request params
await router.replace({ query: { page: page.value, ...paramsWithoutLimit } });
// do the update
return updateProjects();
{ deep: true }
async function updateProjects() {
projects.value = await useApi<PaginatedResult<Project>>("projects", false, "get", requestParams.value);
await checkOffsetLargerCount();
// if somebody set page too high, lets reset it back
async function checkOffsetLargerCount() {
if (projects.value && projects.value.pagination.offset != 0 && projects.value.pagination.offset > projects.value.pagination.count) {
page.value = 0;
await updateProjects();
function versions(platform: Platform) {
@ -165,7 +193,7 @@ useHead(meta);
<Container class="mt-5" lg="flex items-start gap-6">
<!-- Projects -->
<div class="w-full min-w-0 mb-5 flex flex-col gap-2 lg:mb-0">
<ProjectList :projects="projects" />
<ProjectList :projects="projects" @update:page="(newPage) => (page = newPage)" />
<!-- Sidebar -->
<Card accent class="min-w-300px flex flex-col gap-4">
Reference in New Issue
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