implement user admin page

This commit is contained in:
MiniDigger 2021-03-25 19:51:56 +01:00
parent d16a4d14fb
commit 38c258b0c7
3 changed files with 121 additions and 7 deletions

View File

@ -594,6 +594,19 @@ const msgs: LocaleMessageObject = {
line1: '{0} reported {1} on {2}',
line2: 'Reason: {0}, Comment: {1}',
userAdmin: {
title: 'Edit User',
organizations: 'Organizations',
organization: 'Organization',
projects: 'Projects',
project: 'Project',
owner: 'Owner',
role: 'Role',
accepted: 'Accepted',
sidebar: 'Other Administration',
hangarAuth: 'HangarAuth Profile',
forum: 'Forum Profile',
validation: {
required: '{0} is required',
maxLength: 'Maximum length is {0}',

View File

@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ export default class UserParentPage extends UserPage {
buttons.push({ icon: 'mdi-calendar', url: '', name: 'activity' });
if (this.$perms.canEditAllUserSettings) {
buttons.push({ icon: 'mdi-wrench', url: '', name: 'admin' });
buttons.push({ icon: 'mdi-wrench', url: '/admin/user/' +, name: 'admin' });
return buttons;
@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ export default class UserParentPage extends UserPage {
get avatarClazz(): String {
return 'user-avatar-md' + this.user.isOrganization ? ' organization-avatar' : '';
return 'user-avatar-md' + (this.user.isOrganization ? ' organization-avatar' : '');
changeTagline() {

View File

@ -1,17 +1,118 @@
<div>{{ $nuxt.$ }}</div>
{{ $t('userAdmin.title') }}
<NuxtLink :to="'/' + $route.params.user">{{ $route.params.user }}</NuxtLink>
<v-col md="8" cols="12">
<v-card-title>{{ $t('userAdmin.organizations') }}</v-card-title>
<v-data-table :items="orgList" :headers="orgConfig">
<template"{ item }">
<NuxtLink :to="'/' +">{{ }}</NuxtLink>
<template #item.owner="{ item }">
<!-- todo owner -->
<NuxtLink :to="'/' +">{{ }}</NuxtLink>
<template #item.role="{ item }"> {{ organizations[].role.title }} </template>
<template #item.accepted="{ item }">
<!--suppress EqualityComparisonWithCoercionJS dont ask me why this doesnt work without this-->
<v-checkbox :value="organizations[].accepted == true" readonly></v-checkbox>
<v-card class="mt-3">
<v-card-title>{{ $t('userAdmin.projects') }}</v-card-title>
<v-data-table :items="projects.result" :headers="projectsConfig">
<template"{ item }">
<NuxtLink :to="'/' + item.namespace.owner + '/' +">{{ }}</NuxtLink>
<template #item.owner="{ item }">
<NuxtLink :to="'/' + item.namespace.owner">{{ item.namespace.owner }}</NuxtLink>
<template #item.role="{ item }">
<!-- todo role -->
Role {{ }}
<template #item.accepted="{ item }">
<v-checkbox :value="item.visibility === 'public'" readonly></v-checkbox>
<v-col md="4" cols="12">
<v-card-title>{{ $t('userAdmin.sidebar') }}</v-card-title>
<!-- todo links -->
<a href="">{{ $t('userAdmin.hangarAuth') }}</a>
<a href="">{{ $t('') }}</a>
<script lang="ts">
import { Component, Vue } from 'nuxt-property-decorator';
import { Component } from 'nuxt-property-decorator';
import { Context } from '@nuxt/types';
import { PaginatedResult, Project } from 'hangar-api';
import { RoleTable } from 'hangar-internal';
import { GlobalPermission } from '~/utils/perms';
import { NamedPermission } from '~/types/enums';
// TODO implement AdminUserPage
import { HangarComponent } from '~/components/mixins';
export default class AdminUserPage extends Vue {}
export default class AdminUserPage extends HangarComponent {
projects!: PaginatedResult<Project>;
organizations!: { [key: string]: RoleTable };
get projectsConfig() {
return [
{ text: this.$t('userAdmin.project'), value: 'name' },
{ text: this.$t('userAdmin.owner'), value: 'owner' },
{ text: this.$t('userAdmin.role'), value: 'role' },
{ text: this.$t('userAdmin.accepted'), value: 'accepted' },
get orgConfig() {
return [
{ text: this.$t('userAdmin.organization'), value: 'name' },
{ text: this.$t('userAdmin.owner'), value: 'owner' },
{ text: this.$t('userAdmin.role'), value: 'role' },
{ text: this.$t('userAdmin.accepted'), value: 'accepted' },
get orgList() {
return Object.keys(this.organizations).map((name) => {
return { name };
async asyncData({ params, $api, $util }: Context) {
const data = await Promise.all([
$api.request<PaginatedResult<Project>>(`projects`, false, 'get', {
owner: params.user,
$api.requestInternal<{ [key: string]: RoleTable }>(`organizations/${params.user}/userOrganizations`, false),
return { projects: data[0], organizations: data[1] };
<style lang="scss" scoped></style>