mirror of
synced 2025-02-17 15:01:42 +08:00
eslint, prettier, git hooks
This commit is contained in:
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ij_sass_use_double_quotes = false
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Normal file
Normal file
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indent_size = 2
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ij_typescript_enforce_trailing_comma = whenmultiline
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Normal file
Normal file
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Executable file
Executable file
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cd frontend-new
pnpm lint-staged
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File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
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const title = "Hangar New Test";
const description = "IDK WTF am doing";
useHead(useSeo(title, description, useRoute(), null));
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<router-view v-slot="{ Component, route }">
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<router-view v-slot="{ Component, route }">
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<component :is="Component" :key="route" />
@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
<script setup lang="ts">
import type {Announcement} from "hangar-api";
import { toRefs } from 'vue';
import type { Announcement } from "hangar-api";
import { toRefs } from "vue";
const props = defineProps<{ announcement: Announcement }>();
const {announcement} = toRefs(props);
const { announcement } = toRefs(props);
<div :style="'background-color:' + announcement.color" class="mb-2 p-2 text-center">
{{ announcement.text }}
<div :style="'background-color:' + announcement.color" class="mb-2 p-2 text-center">
{{ announcement.text }}
@ -1,76 +1,61 @@
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<div class="md:(w-1/3 min-w-1/3 max-w-1/3)">
<p class="text-xl font-bold text-center mb-2">About Hangar</p>
<p>Hangar is an NFT plugin repository, hosted in the blockchain. Every plugin is unique and owned
just by you. Can you use it on your server? No! You only own the receipt. And that's what makes
Hangar so eco-friendly.</p>
<div class="md:(w-1/3 min-w-1/3 max-w-1/3)">
<p class="text-xl font-bold text-center mb-2">Links</p>
<div class="flex flex-col items-center gap-y-3">
:to="{ name: 'staff' }"
class="flex items-center justify-center rounded-md px-4 py-2 light:text-black background-body w-fit"
Open Crypto Wallet
:to="{ name: 'staff' }"
class="flex items-center justify-center rounded-md px-4 py-2 light:text-black background-body w-fit"
Exchange Plugin NFTs
<div class="md:(w-1/3 min-w-1/3 max-w-1/3)">
<p class="text-xl font-bold text-center mb-2">More from Paper</p>
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<div class="footerBarLinks flex">
:to="{ name: 'staff' }"
class="flex items-center rounded-md px-6 py-2"
hover="text-primary-100 bg-primary-50"
>About Hangar
:to="{ name: 'staff' }"
class="flex items-center rounded-md px-6 py-2"
hover="text-primary-100 bg-primary-50"
:to="{ name: 'staff' }"
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<div class="md:(w-1/3 min-w-1/3 max-w-1/3)">
<p class="text-xl font-bold text-center mb-2">About Hangar</p>
Hangar is an NFT plugin repository, hosted in the blockchain. Every plugin is unique and owned just by you. Can you use it on your server? No! You
only own the receipt. And that's what makes Hangar so eco-friendly.
class="footerShape absolute z-1 left-0 right-0 top-0 overflow-hidden pointer-events-none"
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<p class="text-xl font-bold text-center mb-2">Links</p>
<div class="flex flex-col items-center gap-y-3">
:to="{ name: 'staff' }"
class="flex items-center justify-center rounded-md px-4 py-2 light:text-black background-body w-fit"
Open Crypto Wallet
:to="{ name: 'staff' }"
class="flex items-center justify-center rounded-md px-4 py-2 light:text-black background-body w-fit"
Exchange Plugin NFTs
<div class="md:(w-1/3 min-w-1/3 max-w-1/3)">
<p class="text-xl font-bold text-center mb-2">More from Paper</p>
<div class="footerBar flex items-center justify-around mt-4 max-w-1200px m-auto">
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<router-link :to="{ name: 'staff' }" class="flex items-center rounded-md px-6 py-2" hover="text-primary-100 bg-primary-50">Imprint </router-link>
<router-link :to="{ name: 'staff' }" class="flex items-center rounded-md px-6 py-2" hover="text-primary-100 bg-primary-50"
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d="M0 218h1200v-61.3l-40 0,961 V 0,480 C 268.5,456.5 537,433 857,433 C 1177,433 1548.5,456.5 1920,480 C 1920,480 1920,961 1920,961 Z"></path>
class="fill-background-light-10 dark:fill-background-dark-80 h-240px min-w-full"
viewBox="0 0 1200 218"
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@ -1,212 +1,171 @@
<script setup lang="ts">
import type {Announcement as AnnouncementObject} from "hangar-api";
import {Popover, PopoverButton, PopoverPanel} from '@headlessui/vue'
import type {Ref} from 'vue';
import { useI18n } from 'vue-i18n';
import { ref } from 'vue';
import {useThemeStore} from '~/store/theme'
import {useAPI} from '~/store/api'
import Announcement from '~/components/Announcement.vue';
import { Popover, PopoverButton, PopoverPanel } from "@headlessui/vue";
import type { Announcement as AnnouncementObject } from "hangar-api";
import type { Ref } from "vue";
import { ref } from "vue";
import { useI18n } from "vue-i18n";
import Announcement from "~/components/Announcement.vue";
import { useAPI } from "~/store/api";
import { useThemeStore } from "~/store/theme";
const theme = useThemeStore()
const {t} = useI18n();
const theme = useThemeStore();
const { t } = useI18n();
const api = useAPI();
const empty: AnnouncementObject[] = [];
const announcements: Ref<AnnouncementObject[]> = ref(empty);
api.getAnnouncements().then((value) => {
if (value) {
const firstObject: AnnouncementObject | null = value[0];
if (firstObject) {
console.log(`Res: ${firstObject.text}`);
} else {
console.log("Res is undefined");
} else {
console.log("value is null");
.then((value) => {
if (value) {
const firstObject: AnnouncementObject | null = value[0];
if (firstObject) {
console.log(`Res: ${firstObject.text}`)
} else {
console.log("Res is undefined")
} else {
console.log("value is null")
announcements.value = value;
announcements.value = value;
const navBarLinks = [
{link: 'index', label: 'Home'},
{link: 'staff', label: 'Team'},
{ link: "index", label: "Home" },
{ link: "staff", label: "Team" },
const loggedIn = false; // TODO
<template v-if="announcements">
<Announcement v-for="(announcement, idx) in announcements" :key="idx" :announcement="announcement"/>
<header class="background-header">
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<p class="text-base font-semibold color-primary mb-4">Hangar</p>
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class="flex items-center rounded-md px-6 py-2"
hover="text-primary-100 bg-primary-50"
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:to="{ name: 'staff' }"
class="flex items-center rounded-md px-6 py-2"
hover="text-primary-100 bg-primary-50"
<icon-mdi-account-group class="mr-3 text-[1.2em]"/>
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<Announcement v-for="(announcement, idx) in announcements" :key="idx" :announcement="announcement" />
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<p class="text-base font-semibold color-primary mb-4">Hangar</p>
<div class="grid grid-cols-2">
<router-link :to="{ name: 'index' }" class="flex items-center rounded-md px-6 py-2" hover="text-primary-100 bg-primary-50">
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<router-link :to="{ name: 'staff' }" class="flex items-center rounded-md px-6 py-2" hover="text-primary-100 bg-primary-50">
<icon-mdi-account-group class="mr-3 text-[1.2em]" />
<p class="text-base font-semibold color-primary mb-4 mt-10">More from Paper</p>
<div class="grid grid-cols-2">
class="flex items-center rounded-md px-6 py-2" href="https://papermc.io/"
hover="text-primary-100 bg-primary-50">
<icon-mdi-home class="mr-3 text-[1.2em]"/>
{{ t("nav.hangar.home") }}
class="flex items-center rounded-md px-6 py-2" href="https://forums.papermc.io/"
hover="text-primary-100 bg-primary-50">
<icon-mdi-forum class="mr-3 text-[1.2em]"/>
{{ t("nav.hangar.forums") }}
class="flex items-center rounded-md px-6 py-2" href="https://github.com/PaperMC"
hover="text-primary-100 bg-primary-50">
<icon-mdi-code-braces class="mr-3 text-[1.2em]"/>
{{ t("nav.hangar.code") }}
class="flex items-center rounded-md px-6 py-2"
hover="text-primary-100 bg-primary-50">
<icon-mdi-book-open class="mr-3 text-[1.2em]"/>
{{ t("nav.hangar.docs") }}
class="flex items-center rounded-md px-6 py-2" href="https://papermc.io/javadocs"
hover="text-primary-100 bg-primary-50">
<icon-mdi-language-java class="mr-3 text-[1.2em]"/>
{{ t("nav.hangar.javadocs") }}
class="flex items-center rounded-md px-6 py-2" href="/"
hover="text-primary-100 bg-primary-50">
<icon-mdi-puzzle class="mr-3 text-[1.2em]"/>
{{ t("nav.hangar.hangar") }}
class="flex items-center rounded-md px-6 py-2" href="https://papermc.io/downloads"
hover="text-primary-100 bg-primary-50">
<icon-mdi-download-circle class="mr-3 text-[1.2em]"/>
{{ t("nav.hangar.downloads") }}
class="flex items-center rounded-md px-6 py-2" href="https://papermc.io/community"
hover="text-primary-100 bg-primary-50">
<icon-mdi-account-group class="mr-3 text-[1.2em]"/>
{{ t("nav.hangar.community") }}
class="flex items-center rounded-md px-6 py-2"
href="https://hangar-auth.benndorf.dev/" hover="text-primary-100 bg-primary-50">
<icon-mdi-key class="mr-3 text-[1.2em]"/>
{{ t("nav.hangar.auth") }}
<p class="text-base font-semibold color-primary mb-4 mt-10">More from Paper</p>
<div class="grid grid-cols-2">
<a class="flex items-center rounded-md px-6 py-2" href="https://papermc.io/" hover="text-primary-100 bg-primary-50">
<icon-mdi-home class="mr-3 text-[1.2em]" />
{{ t("nav.hangar.home") }}
<a class="flex items-center rounded-md px-6 py-2" href="https://forums.papermc.io/" hover="text-primary-100 bg-primary-50">
<icon-mdi-forum class="mr-3 text-[1.2em]" />
{{ t("nav.hangar.forums") }}
<a class="flex items-center rounded-md px-6 py-2" href="https://github.com/PaperMC" hover="text-primary-100 bg-primary-50">
<icon-mdi-code-braces class="mr-3 text-[1.2em]" />
{{ t("nav.hangar.code") }}
<a class="flex items-center rounded-md px-6 py-2" href="https://paper.readthedocs.io/en/latest/" hover="text-primary-100 bg-primary-50">
<icon-mdi-book-open class="mr-3 text-[1.2em]" />
{{ t("nav.hangar.docs") }}
<a class="flex items-center rounded-md px-6 py-2" href="https://papermc.io/javadocs" hover="text-primary-100 bg-primary-50">
<icon-mdi-language-java class="mr-3 text-[1.2em]" />
{{ t("nav.hangar.javadocs") }}
<a class="flex items-center rounded-md px-6 py-2" href="/" hover="text-primary-100 bg-primary-50">
<icon-mdi-puzzle class="mr-3 text-[1.2em]" />
{{ t("nav.hangar.hangar") }}
<a class="flex items-center rounded-md px-6 py-2" href="https://papermc.io/downloads" hover="text-primary-100 bg-primary-50">
<icon-mdi-download-circle class="mr-3 text-[1.2em]" />
{{ t("nav.hangar.downloads") }}
<a class="flex items-center rounded-md px-6 py-2" href="https://papermc.io/community" hover="text-primary-100 bg-primary-50">
<icon-mdi-account-group class="mr-3 text-[1.2em]" />
{{ t("nav.hangar.community") }}
<a class="flex items-center rounded-md px-6 py-2" href="https://hangar-auth.benndorf.dev/" hover="text-primary-100 bg-primary-50">
<icon-mdi-key class="mr-3 text-[1.2em]" />
{{ t("nav.hangar.auth") }}
<div class="site-logo mr-4 h-60px flex items-center">
<img alt="Hangar Logo" src="../../public/logo.svg" class="h-50px object-cover"/>
<nav class="flex gap-3 invisible md:visible">
v-for='navBarLink in navBarLinks'
:to="{ name: navBarLink.link }"
class="relative after:(absolute content-DEFAULT block w-0 top-30px left-1/10 h-4px rounded-8px)"
{{ navBarLink.label }}
<div class="login-buttons flex gap-2 items-center">
<button class="flex mr-2" @click="theme.toggleDarkMode()">
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<div v-if="!loggedIn" class="flex">
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href="https://hangar-auth.benndorf.dev/account/login" hover="text-primary-100 bg-primary-50">
<icon-mdi-key-outline class="mr-1 text-[1.2em]"/>
{{ t("nav.login") }}
class="flex items-center rounded-md px-2 py-2"
href="https://hangar-auth.benndorf.dev/account/signup/" hover="text-primary-100 bg-primary-50">
<icon-mdi-clipboard-outline class="mr-1 text-[1.2em]"/>
{{ t("nav.signup") }}
<div class="site-logo mr-4 h-60px flex items-center">
<img alt="Hangar Logo" src="/logo.svg" class="h-50px object-cover" />
<nav class="flex gap-3 invisible md:visible">
v-for="navBarLink in navBarLinks"
:to="{ name: navBarLink.link }"
class="relative after:(absolute content-DEFAULT block w-0 top-30px left-1/10 h-4px rounded-8px)"
{{ navBarLink.label }}
<div class="login-buttons flex gap-2 items-center">
<button class="flex mr-2" @click="theme.toggleDarkMode()">
<icon-mdi-weather-night v-if="theme.darkMode" class="text-[1.2em]"></icon-mdi-weather-night>
<icon-mdi-white-balance-sunny v-else class="text-[1.2em]"></icon-mdi-white-balance-sunny>
<div v-if="!loggedIn" class="flex">
<a class="flex items-center rounded-md px-2 py-2" href="https://hangar-auth.benndorf.dev/account/login" hover="text-primary-100 bg-primary-50">
<icon-mdi-key-outline class="mr-1 text-[1.2em]" />
{{ t("nav.login") }}
<a class="flex items-center rounded-md px-2 py-2" href="https://hangar-auth.benndorf.dev/account/signup/" hover="text-primary-100 bg-primary-50">
<icon-mdi-clipboard-outline class="mr-1 text-[1.2em]" />
{{ t("nav.signup") }}
<style lang="css" scoped>
nav .router-link-active {
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background: #d3e1f6;
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@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
import type { HangarApiException } from "hangar-api";
import type { AxiosError, AxiosRequestConfig } from "axios";
import qs from "qs";
import { useCookies } from "@vueuse/integrations/useCookies";
import type { AxiosError, AxiosRequestConfig } from "axios";
import type { HangarApiException } from "hangar-api";
import qs from "qs";
import Cookies from "universal-cookie";
import { useApiToken } from "~/composables/useApiToken";
import { useAxios } from "~/composables/useAxios";
@ -75,21 +75,18 @@ export async function useInternalApi<T>(
headers: Record<string, string> = {}
): Promise<T> {
const token = await useApiToken(authed);
if (authed && !token) {
// eslint-disable-next-line prefer-promise-reject-errors
return Promise.reject({
isAxiosError: true,
response: {
data: {
isHangarApiException: true,
httpError: {
statusCode: 401,
message: "You must be logged in",
} as HangarApiException,
} else {
return request(`internal/${url}`, token, method, data, headers);
return authed && !token
? Promise.reject({
isAxiosError: true,
response: {
data: {
isHangarApiException: true,
httpError: {
statusCode: 401,
message: "You must be logged in",
} as HangarApiException,
: request(`internal/${url}`, token, method, data, headers);
@ -35,11 +35,7 @@ function validateToken(token: string): boolean {
export function useApiToken(forceFetch = true): Promise<string | null> {
const store = useAuthStore();
if (store.token) {
if (validateToken(store.token)) {
return Promise.resolve(store.token);
} else {
return refreshToken();
return validateToken(store.token) ? Promise.resolve(store.token) : refreshToken();
} else if (forceFetch) {
return refreshToken();
} else {
@ -2,13 +2,7 @@ import type { Ref } from "vue";
import { onDeactivated, onMounted, onUnmounted, ref } from "vue";
import { useContext } from "vite-ssr/vue";
export async function useInitialState<T>(
key: string,
handler: (type: "server" | "client") => Promise<T>,
blocking = false
) : Promise<Ref<T | null>> {
export async function useInitialState<T>(key: string, handler: (type: "server" | "client") => Promise<T>, blocking = false): Promise<Ref<T | null>> {
const { initialState } = useContext();
const responseValue = ref(initialState[key] || null) as Ref<T | null>;
@ -19,7 +13,6 @@ export async function useInitialState<T>(
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import type { TranslateResult } from "vue-i18n";
import type { HeadObject } from "@vueuse/head";
import type { TranslateResult } from "vue-i18n";
import type { RouteLocationNormalizedLoaded } from "vue-router";
export function useSeo(
@ -112,11 +112,7 @@ function generateBreadcrumbs(route: RouteLocationNormalizedLoaded) {
function guessTitle(segment: string): string {
if (segment === "/" || segment === "") {
return "Hangar";
} else {
return segment;
return segment === "/" || segment === "" ? "Hangar" : segment;
function baseUrl(): string {
@ -37,6 +37,6 @@ export const DEFAULT_LANGUAGE = SUPPORTED_LANGUAGES.find((l) => l.default);
export const DEFAULT_LOCALE = DEFAULT_LANGUAGE?.locale as string;
export function extractLocaleFromPath(path = "") {
const [_, maybeLocale] = path.split("/");
const maybeLocale = path.split("/")[1];
return SUPPORTED_LOCALES.includes(maybeLocale) ? maybeLocale : DEFAULT_LOCALE;
@ -103,7 +103,7 @@
"mostDownloads": "Most Downloads",
"mostViews": "Most Views",
"newest": "Newest",
"recentlyUpdated": "Recently Updated",
"recentlyUpdated": "Recently Updated"
"category": {
"info": "Category",
@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
<script setup lang="ts">
import Header from '~/components/Header.vue';
import Footer from '~/components/Footer.vue';
import Header from "~/components/Header.vue";
import Footer from "~/components/Footer.vue";
<main style="min-height: 60vh;">
<div style="min-height: 60vh;">
<router-view v-bind="$attrs"/>
<main style="min-height: 60vh">
<Header />
<div style="min-height: 60vh">
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<Footer />
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
<script setup lang="ts"></script>
@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
import "windi.css";
import "./styles/main.css";
import viteSSR, { ClientOnly } from "vite-ssr";
import { createHead } from "@vueuse/head";
import generatedRoutes from "virtual:generated-pages";
import { setupLayouts } from "virtual:generated-layouts";
import { createPinia } from "pinia";
import { setupLayouts } from "virtual:generated-layouts";
import generatedRoutes from "virtual:generated-pages";
import viteSSR, { ClientOnly } from "vite-ssr";
import "windi.css";
import App from "~/App.vue";
import { installI18n } from "~/i18n";
import "./styles/main.css";
const routes = setupLayouts(generatedRoutes);
@ -1,167 +1,152 @@
<script setup lang="ts">
import {Menu, MenuButton, MenuItem, MenuItems} from "@headlessui/vue";
import { useI18n } from 'vue-i18n';
import { Menu, MenuButton, MenuItem, MenuItems } from "@headlessui/vue";
import { useI18n } from "vue-i18n";
const {t} = useI18n();
const { t } = useI18n();
const sorters = [
{id: 'stars', label: t("project.sorting.mostStars")},
{id: 'downloads', label: t("project.sorting.mostDownloads")},
{id: 'views', label: t("project.sorting.mostViews")},
{id: 'newest', label: t("project.sorting.newest")},
{id: 'updated', label: t("project.sorting.recentlyUpdated")},
{ id: "stars", label: t("project.sorting.mostStars") },
{ id: "downloads", label: t("project.sorting.mostDownloads") },
{ id: "views", label: t("project.sorting.mostViews") },
{ id: "newest", label: t("project.sorting.newest") },
{ id: "updated", label: t("project.sorting.recentlyUpdated") },
const versions = [
{version: '1.18.1'},
{version: '1.18'},
{version: '1.17.1'},
{version: '1.17'},
{version: '1.16.5'},
{version: '1.16.4'},
{version: '1.16.3'},
{version: '1.16.2'},
{version: '1.16.1'},
{version: '1.16'},
{ version: "1.18.1" },
{ version: "1.18" },
{ version: "1.17.1" },
{ version: "1.17" },
{ version: "1.16.5" },
{ version: "1.16.4" },
{ version: "1.16.3" },
{ version: "1.16.2" },
{ version: "1.16.1" },
{ version: "1.16" },
const categories = [
{id: 'admin_tools', label: t("project.category.admin_tools")},
{id: 'chat', label: t("project.category.chat")},
{id: 'devel_tools', label: t("project.category.dev_tools")},
{id: 'economy', label: t("project.category.economy")},
{id: 'gameplay', label: t("project.category.gameplay")},
{id: 'games', label: t("project.category.games")},
{id: 'protection', label: t("project.category.protection")},
{id: 'role_playing', label: t("project.category.role_playing")},
{id: 'world_management', label: t("project.category.world_management")},
{id: 'misc', label: t("project.category.misc")},
{ id: "admin_tools", label: t("project.category.admin_tools") },
{ id: "chat", label: t("project.category.chat") },
{ id: "devel_tools", label: t("project.category.dev_tools") },
{ id: "economy", label: t("project.category.economy") },
{ id: "gameplay", label: t("project.category.gameplay") },
{ id: "games", label: t("project.category.games") },
{ id: "protection", label: t("project.category.protection") },
{ id: "role_playing", label: t("project.category.role_playing") },
{ id: "world_management", label: t("project.category.world_management") },
{ id: "misc", label: t("project.category.misc") },
const platforms = [
{id: 'paper', label: 'Paper'},
{id: 'velocity', label: 'Velocity'},
{id: 'waterfall', label: 'Waterfall'},
{ id: "paper", label: "Paper" },
{ id: "velocity", label: "Velocity" },
{ id: "waterfall", label: "Waterfall" },
const licenses = [
{id: 'gpl-3', label: 'GPL-3'},
{id: 'mit', label: 'MIT'},
{id: 'apache', label: 'APACHE'},
{ id: "gpl-3", label: "GPL-3" },
{ id: "mit", label: "MIT" },
{ id: "apache", label: "APACHE" },
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v-for='sorter in sorters'
v-slot="{ active }">
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{{ sorter.label }}
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enter-to-class="transform scale-100 opacity-100"
leave-active-class="transition duration-75 ease-out"
leave-from-class="transform scale-100 opacity-100"
leave-to-class="transform scale-95 opacity-0"
<MenuItems class="absolute flex flex-col z-10 background-header shadow1 rounded-md border-top-primary">
<MenuItem v-for="sorter in sorters" :key="sorter.id" v-slot="{ active }">
<a :class="{ 'bg-gradient-to-r from-[#004ee9] to-[#367aff] text-white': active }" class="p-2">
{{ sorter.label }}
class="projectsAndSidebar p-4 mt-5 w-screen max-w-1200px flex justify-around m-auto flex-col md:flex-row gap-y-6 md:gap-y-0 md:gap-x-6">
<!-- Projects -->
<div class="md:(w-2/3 min-w-2/3 max-w-2/3) min-h-800px bg-gray-200 rounded-md">
<div class="projectsAndSidebar p-4 mt-5 w-screen max-w-1200px flex justify-around m-auto flex-col md:flex-row gap-y-6 md:gap-y-0 md:gap-x-6">
<!-- Projects -->
<div class="md:(w-2/3 min-w-2/3 max-w-2/3) min-h-800px bg-gray-200 rounded-md"></div>
<!-- Sidebar -->
<div class="flex flex-col gap-4 bg-gradient-to-r from-[#004ee9] to-[#367aff] rounded-md min-w-300px min-h-800px p-4 text-white">
<div class="versions">
<h3 class="font-bold">Minecraft versions</h3>
<div class="max-h-30 overflow-auto flex flex-col gap-2">
<label v-for="version in versions" :key="version.version" class="group relative cursor-pointer pl-30px customCheckboxContainer">
{{ version.version }}
<input :id="version.version" :name="version.version" type="checkbox" class="hidden" />
class="absolute top-5px left-0 h-15px w-15px rounded-sm bg-white group-hover:(bg-gray-300) after:(absolute hidden content-DEFAULT top-3px left-6px w-5px h-10px border-solid border-r-3px border-b-3px)"
<!-- Sidebar -->
class="flex flex-col gap-4 bg-gradient-to-r from-[#004ee9] to-[#367aff] rounded-md min-w-300px min-h-800px p-4 text-white">
<div class="versions">
<h3 class="font-bold">Minecraft versions</h3>
<div class="max-h-30 overflow-auto flex flex-col gap-2">
v-for='version in versions' :key='version.version'
class="group relative cursor-pointer pl-30px customCheckboxContainer">
{{ version.version }}
<input :id='version.version' :name=version.version type="checkbox" class="hidden">
class="absolute top-5px left-0 h-15px w-15px rounded-sm bg-white group-hover:(bg-gray-300) after:(absolute hidden content-DEFAULT top-3px left-6px w-5px h-10px border-solid border-r-3px border-b-3px)"/>
<div class="categories">
<h3 class="font-bold">Categories</h3>
<div class="flex flex-col gap-2">
v-for='category in categories' :key='category.id'
class="group relative cursor-pointer pl-30px customCheckboxContainer">
{{ category.label }}
<input type="checkbox" class="hidden">
class="absolute top-5px left-0 h-15px w-15px rounded-sm bg-white group-hover:(bg-gray-300) after:(absolute hidden content-DEFAULT top-3px left-6px w-5px h-10px border-solid border-r-3px border-b-3px)"/>
<div class="platforms">
<h3 class="font-bold">Platforms</h3>
<div class="flex flex-col gap-2">
v-for='platform in platforms' :key='platform.id'
class="group relative cursor-pointer pl-30px customCheckboxContainer">
{{ platform.label }}
<input type="checkbox" class="hidden">
class="absolute top-5px left-0 h-15px w-15px rounded-sm bg-white group-hover:(bg-gray-300) after:(absolute hidden content-DEFAULT top-3px left-6px w-5px h-10px border-solid border-r-3px border-b-3px)"/>
<div class="licenses">
<h3 class="font-bold">Licenses</h3>
<div class="flex flex-col gap-2">
v-for='license in licenses' :key='license.id'
class="group relative cursor-pointer pl-30px customCheckboxContainer">
{{ license.label }}
<input type="checkbox" class="hidden">
class="absolute top-5px left-0 h-15px w-15px rounded-sm bg-white group-hover:(bg-gray-300) after:(absolute hidden content-DEFAULT top-3px left-6px w-5px h-10px border-solid border-r-3px border-b-3px)"/>
<hr />
<div class="categories">
<h3 class="font-bold">Categories</h3>
<div class="flex flex-col gap-2">
<label v-for="category in categories" :key="category.id" class="group relative cursor-pointer pl-30px customCheckboxContainer">
{{ category.label }}
<input type="checkbox" class="hidden" />
class="absolute top-5px left-0 h-15px w-15px rounded-sm bg-white group-hover:(bg-gray-300) after:(absolute hidden content-DEFAULT top-3px left-6px w-5px h-10px border-solid border-r-3px border-b-3px)"
<hr />
<div class="platforms">
<h3 class="font-bold">Platforms</h3>
<div class="flex flex-col gap-2">
<label v-for="platform in platforms" :key="platform.id" class="group relative cursor-pointer pl-30px customCheckboxContainer">
{{ platform.label }}
<input type="checkbox" class="hidden" />
class="absolute top-5px left-0 h-15px w-15px rounded-sm bg-white group-hover:(bg-gray-300) after:(absolute hidden content-DEFAULT top-3px left-6px w-5px h-10px border-solid border-r-3px border-b-3px)"
<hr />
<div class="licenses">
<h3 class="font-bold">Licenses</h3>
<div class="flex flex-col gap-2">
<label v-for="license in licenses" :key="license.id" class="group relative cursor-pointer pl-30px customCheckboxContainer">
{{ license.label }}
<input type="checkbox" class="hidden" />
class="absolute top-5px left-0 h-15px w-15px rounded-sm bg-white group-hover:(bg-gray-300) after:(absolute hidden content-DEFAULT top-3px left-6px w-5px h-10px border-solid border-r-3px border-b-3px)"
<route lang="yaml">
@ -170,19 +155,18 @@ meta:
<style lang="css" scoped>
.big-box-shadow {
box-shadow: 0 0 10px 0 #004ee99e;
box-shadow: 0 0 10px 0 #004ee99e;
/*This is needed, because you cannot have more than one parent group in tailwind/windi*/
.customCheckboxContainer input:checked ~ span {
background-color: #000 !important;
background-color: #000 !important;
/*The tailwind/windi utility class rotate-45 is BROKEN*/
.customCheckboxContainer input:checked ~ span:after {
display: block;
transform: rotate(45deg);
display: block;
transform: rotate(45deg);
@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
import fs from "fs";
import path from "node:path";
import { getFileInfo, check, resolveConfig, format } from "prettier";
import qs from "qs";
import { Plugin } from "vite";
import { createFilter } from "@rollup/pluginutils";
export default function prettier(): Plugin {
const defaults = {
include: ["src/**/*.js", "src/**/*.ts", "src/**/*.vue", "src/**/*.html", "src/**/*.css", "src/**/*.json"],
const filter = createFilter(defaults.include, /node_modules/);
function normalize(id: string): string {
return path.relative(process.cwd(), id).split(path.sep).join("/");
function checkVueFile(id: string): boolean {
if (!id.includes("?")) return false;
const rawQuery = id.split("?", 2)[1];
return qs.parse(rawQuery).vue !== null;
return {
name: "vite:prettier",
async transform(_, id) {
const file = normalize(id);
const fileInfo = getFileInfo.sync(id);
if (!checkVueFile(id) && !fileInfo.ignored && filter(id)) {
const config = resolveConfig.sync(file);
if (config) {
if (!("parser" in config) && fileInfo.inferredParser) {
config.parser = fileInfo.inferredParser;
const source = fs.readFileSync(file, "utf-8");
if (source && !check(source, config)) {
this.warn(`${file} has formatting errors, fixing...`);
fs.writeFile(file, format(source, config), (err) => {
if (err) {
return null;
@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
/* eslint-disable import/no-duplicates */
declare interface Window {
// extend the window
@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
import { defineStore } from "pinia";
import type { Ref} from "vue";
import type { Ref } from "vue";
import { ref } from "vue";
import type {Announcement as AnnouncementObject} from "hangar-api";
import {useInternalApi} from '~/composables/useApi';
import type { Announcement as AnnouncementObject } from "hangar-api";
import { useInternalApi } from "~/composables/useApi";
export const useAPI = defineStore("api", () => {
const announcements: Ref<AnnouncementObject | undefined> = ref();
const announcements: Ref<AnnouncementObject | undefined> = ref();
async function getAnnouncements(): Promise<AnnouncementObject[]> {
return await useInternalApi<AnnouncementObject[]>("data/announcements", false)
async function getAnnouncements(): Promise<AnnouncementObject[]> {
return await useInternalApi<AnnouncementObject[]>("data/announcements", false);
return { announcements, getAnnouncements };
return { announcements, getAnnouncements };
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import type { HangarUser } from "hangar-internal";
import { defineStore } from 'pinia';
import { defineStore } from "pinia";
export const useAuthStore = defineStore("auth", {
state: () => {
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import { defineStore } from "pinia";
import type { Ref} from "vue";
import type { Ref } from "vue";
import { ref, unref } from "vue";
export const useThemeStore = defineStore("theme", () => {
@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ export const useThemeStore = defineStore("theme", () => {
const mobileBreakPoint = 700;
function toggleDarkMode() {
darkMode.value = !unref(darkMode);
@ -22,17 +21,17 @@ export const useThemeStore = defineStore("theme", () => {
darkMode.value = false;
function toggleMobile() {
function toggleMobile() {
mobile.value = !unref(mobile);
function enableMobile() {
function enableMobile() {
mobile.value = true;
function disableMobile() {
function disableMobile() {
mobile.value = false;
return { darkMode, toggleDarkMode, enableDarkMode, disableDarkMode, mobile, toggleMobile, enableMobile, disableMobile, mobileBreakPoint };
@ -2,51 +2,51 @@
/* TODO do we need this? */
#nprogress {
pointer-events: none;
pointer-events: none;
#nprogress .bar {
@apply bg-teal-600 opacity-75;
@apply bg-teal-600 opacity-75;
position: fixed;
z-index: 1031;
top: 0;
left: 0;
position: fixed;
z-index: 1031;
top: 0;
left: 0;
width: 100%;
height: 2px;
width: 100%;
height: 2px;
html {
font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, 'Segoe UI', 'Oxygen', 'Ubuntu', 'Cantarell', 'Fira Sans', 'Droid Sans', 'Helvetica Neue', sans-serif;
font-weight: 400;
font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", "Oxygen", "Ubuntu", "Cantarell", "Fira Sans", "Droid Sans", "Helvetica Neue", sans-serif;
font-weight: 400;
.shadow1 {
box-shadow: 0 10px 20px rgb(0 0 0 / 15%), rgb(0 0 0 / 10%) 0 0 0 1px;
box-shadow: 0 10px 20px rgb(0 0 0 / 15%), rgb(0 0 0 / 10%) 0 0 0 1px;
.w-fit {
width: fit-content;
width: fit-content;
::-webkit-scrollbar {
width: 10px;
width: 10px;
* {
scrollbar-color: #004ee9 #f8faff;
scrollbar-width: thin;
scrollbar-color: #004ee9 #f8faff;
scrollbar-width: thin;
::-webkit-scrollbar-track {
background: #f8faff;
background: #f8faff;
::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {
background: #004ee9;
background: #004ee9;
::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb:hover {
background: #111111;
background: #111111;
@ -2,47 +2,47 @@
@import "prism-theme-vars/base.css";
:root {
--prism-font-family: "Input Mono", monospace;
--prism-font-family: "Input Mono", monospace;
html:not(.dark) {
--prism-foreground: #393a34;
--prism-background: #fbfbfb;
--prism-comment: #8e8f8e;
--prism-string: #a1644c;
--prism-literal: #3a9c9b;
--prism-keyword: #248358;
--prism-function: #7e8a42;
--prism-deleted: #a14f55;
--prism-class: #2b91af;
--prism-builtin: #a52727;
--prism-property: #ad502b;
--prism-namespace: #c96880;
--prism-punctuation: #8e8f8b;
--prism-decorator: #bd8f8f;
--prism-json-property: #698c96;
--prism-foreground: #393a34;
--prism-background: #fbfbfb;
--prism-comment: #8e8f8e;
--prism-string: #a1644c;
--prism-literal: #3a9c9b;
--prism-keyword: #248358;
--prism-function: #7e8a42;
--prism-deleted: #a14f55;
--prism-class: #2b91af;
--prism-builtin: #a52727;
--prism-property: #ad502b;
--prism-namespace: #c96880;
--prism-punctuation: #8e8f8b;
--prism-decorator: #bd8f8f;
--prism-json-property: #698c96;
html.dark {
--prism-scheme: dark;
--prism-foreground: #d4cfbf;
--prism-background: #1e1e1e;
--prism-comment: #758575;
--prism-string: #ce9178;
--prism-literal: #4fb09d;
--prism-keyword: #4d9375;
--prism-function: #c2c275;
--prism-deleted: #a14f55;
--prism-class: #5ebaa8;
--prism-builtin: #cb7676;
--prism-property: #dd8e6e;
--prism-namespace: #c96880;
--prism-punctuation: #d4d4d4;
--prism-decorator: #bd8f8f;
--prism-regex: #ab5e3f;
--prism-json-property: #6b8b9e;
--prism-line-number: #888888;
--prism-line-number-gutter: #eeeeee;
--prism-line-highlight-background: #444444;
--prism-selection-background: #444444;
--prism-scheme: dark;
--prism-foreground: #d4cfbf;
--prism-background: #1e1e1e;
--prism-comment: #758575;
--prism-string: #ce9178;
--prism-literal: #4fb09d;
--prism-keyword: #4d9375;
--prism-function: #c2c275;
--prism-deleted: #a14f55;
--prism-class: #5ebaa8;
--prism-builtin: #cb7676;
--prism-property: #dd8e6e;
--prism-namespace: #c96880;
--prism-punctuation: #d4d4d4;
--prism-decorator: #bd8f8f;
--prism-regex: #ab5e3f;
--prism-json-property: #6b8b9e;
--prism-line-number: #888888;
--prism-line-number-gutter: #eeeeee;
--prism-line-highlight-background: #444444;
--prism-selection-background: #444444;
@ -26,14 +26,14 @@ declare module "hangar-api" {
interface Announcement {
text: String;
color: String;
text: string;
color: string;
interface Sponsor {
image: String;
name: String;
link: String;
image: string;
name: string;
link: string;
interface Visible {
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ declare module "hangar-api" {
stats: VersionStats;
fileInfo: FileInfo;
externalUrl: string | null;
author: String;
author: string;
reviewState: ReviewState;
tags: Tag[];
recommended: Platform[];
@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
/* eslint-disable no-unused-vars */
export enum RoleCategory {
GLOBAL = "global",
PROJECT = "project",
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
// generated by unplugin-vue-components
// We suggest you to commit this file into source control
// Read more: https://github.com/vuejs/vue-next/pull/3399
declare module "vue" {
export interface GlobalComponents {
IconMdiAccountGroup: typeof import("~icons/mdi/account-group")["default"];
IconMdiBookOpen: typeof import("~icons/mdi/book-open")["default"];
IconMdiClipboardOutline: typeof import("~icons/mdi/clipboard-outline")["default"];
IconMdiCodeBraces: typeof import("~icons/mdi/code-braces")["default"];
IconMdiDownloadCircle: typeof import("~icons/mdi/download-circle")["default"];
IconMdiForum: typeof import("~icons/mdi/forum")["default"];
IconMdiHome: typeof import("~icons/mdi/home")["default"];
IconMdiKey: typeof import("~icons/mdi/key")["default"];
IconMdiKeyOutline: typeof import("~icons/mdi/key-outline")["default"];
IconMdiLanguageJava: typeof import("~icons/mdi/language-java")["default"];
IconMdiMenu: typeof import("~icons/mdi/menu")["default"];
IconMdiPuzzle: typeof import("~icons/mdi/puzzle")["default"];
IconMdiSortVariant: typeof import("~icons/mdi/sort-variant")["default"];
IconMdiWeatherNight: typeof import("~icons/mdi/weather-night")["default"];
IconMdiWhiteBalanceSunny: typeof import("~icons/mdi/white-balance-sunny")["default"];
export {};
@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
// generated by unplugin-vue-components
// We suggest you to commit this file into source control
// Read more: https://github.com/vuejs/vue-next/pull/3399
declare module 'vue' {
export interface GlobalComponents {
IconMdiAccountGroup: typeof import('~icons/mdi/account-group')['default']
IconMdiBookOpen: typeof import('~icons/mdi/book-open')['default']
IconMdiClipboardOutline: typeof import('~icons/mdi/clipboard-outline')['default']
IconMdiCodeBraces: typeof import('~icons/mdi/code-braces')['default']
IconMdiDownloadCircle: typeof import('~icons/mdi/download-circle')['default']
IconMdiForum: typeof import('~icons/mdi/forum')['default']
IconMdiHome: typeof import('~icons/mdi/home')['default']
IconMdiKey: typeof import('~icons/mdi/key')['default']
IconMdiKeyOutline: typeof import('~icons/mdi/key-outline')['default']
IconMdiLanguageJava: typeof import('~icons/mdi/language-java')['default']
IconMdiMenu: typeof import('~icons/mdi/menu')['default']
IconMdiPuzzle: typeof import('~icons/mdi/puzzle')['default']
IconMdiSortVariant: typeof import('~icons/mdi/sort-variant')['default']
IconMdiWeatherNight: typeof import('~icons/mdi/weather-night')['default']
IconMdiWhiteBalanceSunny: typeof import('~icons/mdi/white-balance-sunny')['default']
export { }
@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
declare module "swagger-ui" {
import { SwaggerUIBundle } from "swagger-ui-dist";
declare module "swagger-ui" {}
export default SwaggerUIBundle;
export { SwaggerUIBundle as default } from "swagger-ui-dist";
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
"noUnusedLocals": true,
"strictNullChecks": true,
"forceConsistentCasingInFileNames": true,
"types": ["vite/client", "vite-plugin-pages/client", "vite-plugin-vue-layouts/client"],
"types": ["vite/client", "vite-plugin-pages/client", "vite-plugin-vue-layouts/client", "prettier"],
"paths": {
"~/*": ["src/*"]
@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
import path from "path";
import { defineConfig } from "vite";
import Vue from "@vitejs/plugin-vue";
import Pages from "vite-plugin-pages";
import Layouts from "vite-plugin-vue-layouts";
import AutoImport from "unplugin-auto-import/vite";
import Components from "unplugin-vue-components/vite";
import Icons from "unplugin-icons/vite";
import IconsResolver from "unplugin-icons/resolver";
import Markdown from "vite-plugin-md";
import WindiCSS from "vite-plugin-windicss";
import { VitePWA } from "vite-plugin-pwa";
import VueI18n from "@intlify/vite-plugin-vue-i18n";
import Prism from "markdown-it-prism";
import Vue from "@vitejs/plugin-vue";
import LinkAttributes from "markdown-it-link-attributes";
import viteSSR from "vite-ssr/plugin";
import Prism from "markdown-it-prism";
import path from "node:path";
import IconsResolver from "unplugin-icons/resolver";
import Icons from "unplugin-icons/vite";
import Components from "unplugin-vue-components/vite";
import { defineConfig } from "vite";
import EslintPlugin from "vite-plugin-eslint";
import Markdown from "vite-plugin-md";
import Pages from "vite-plugin-pages";
import { VitePWA } from "vite-plugin-pwa";
import Layouts from "vite-plugin-vue-layouts";
import WindiCSS from "vite-plugin-windicss";
import viteSSR from "vite-ssr/plugin";
import prettier from "./src/plugins/prettier";
const proxyHost = process.env.proxyHost || "http://localhost:8080";
const authHost = process.env.authHost || "http://localhost:3001";
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ export default defineConfig({
// https://github.com/antfu/vite-plugin-components
// https://github.com/antfu/unplugin-vue-components
// we don't want to import components, just icons
dirs: ["none"],
@ -66,18 +66,18 @@ export default defineConfig({
// https://github.com/antfu/vite-plugin-icons
componentPrefix: "icon",
enabledCollections: ["mdi"]
enabledCollections: ["mdi"],
dts: "src/types/icons.d.ts",
dts: "src/types/generated/icons.d.ts",
// https://github.com/antfu/vite-plugin-icons
// https://github.com/antfu/unplugin-icons
autoInstall: true,
// https://github.com/antfu/vite-plugin-windicss
// https://github.com/windicss/vite-plugin-windicss
safelist: "prose prose-sm m-auto",
@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ export default defineConfig({
// https://github.com/intlify/vite-plugin-vue-i18n
// https://github.com/intlify/bundle-tools/tree/main/packages/vite-plugin-vue-i18n
include: [path.resolve(__dirname, "src/i18n/locales/*.json")],
@ -119,6 +119,7 @@ export default defineConfig({
fix: true,
optimizeDeps: {
@ -35,20 +35,20 @@ export default defineConfig({
colors: {
'background-dark-90': '#111111',
'background-dark-80': '#181a1b',
'background-light-10': '#f8faff',
'background-light-0': '#ffffff',
'primary-100': '#004ee9',
'primary-70': '#aec9ff',
'primary-50': '#ecf2fb'
"background-dark-90": "#111111",
"background-dark-80": "#181a1b",
"background-light-10": "#f8faff",
"background-light-0": "#ffffff",
"primary-100": "#004ee9",
"primary-70": "#aec9ff",
"primary-50": "#ecf2fb",
shortcuts: {
'background-header': 'bg-background-light-0 dark:bg-background-dark-90',
'background-body': 'bg-background-light-10 dark:bg-background-dark-80',
'color-primary': 'text-primary-100 dark:text-primary-70',
'border-top-primary': 'border-solid border-t-4 border-t-primary-100',
"background-header": "bg-background-light-0 dark:bg-background-dark-90",
"background-body": "bg-background-light-10 dark:bg-background-dark-80",
"color-primary": "text-primary-100 dark:text-primary-70",
"border-top-primary": "border-solid border-t-4 border-t-primary-100",
Reference in New Issue
Block a user