but rebuild from the ground up using the Spring Boot Framework in Java for the backend, and nuxt (and vuetify) for the frontend (which is partially server rendered).
The project consists out of 4 parts. The frontend(Nuxt and Vue), the backend (Spring Boot), the database (PostgreSQL) and an optional [HangarAuth](https://github.com/MiniDigger/HangarAuth) project.
Which will be discussed below.
### Fork the project
Fork the project and pull it in your IDE.
### Prerequisites
- Docker is required in order to run the PostgreSQL database.
- Java 11 or higher.
### Setting up
To get the project running locally you need to follow a few steps:
1. To get the dummy database up and running move to the docker folder `cd docker` then run `docker-compose up -f dev-db.yml -d`.
Alternatively if you are using Intellij you can press the green arrow in the `docker/dev-db.yml` file.
2. Run the Spring Boot application. You can do it in the CLI with `mvn spring-boot:run` or if you're using intellij it's included in the run configurations.
3. Move to the `frontend` directory: `cd ../frontend`. In that directory run `yarn install`. This will install all the needed Node modules.
5. After the installation you run `yarn run dev` which will initiate the build and launch.
6. After that browse to http://localhost:3000 and if all went well Hangar should be up and running.
Make sure both Hangar and HangarAuth directories are siblings in your file system. cd into Hangar/docker and run `docker-compose up -d`. That should set everything up for you. You can view the logs via Intellij's docker integration.
I find its better to view the logs there, so that the Hangar logs and HangarAuth logs are separated.
Note that when using docker, a different spring configuration file is used, `Hangar/docker/hangar/application.yml`. To reload changes to Hangar, just CTRL+F9 (rebuild) in Intellij. To rebuild changes to HangarAuth, just run `docker-compose up -d --build`