We would like the thank all Ore contributors, without them, this project would never have been possible.
The frontend is a mixture of vue and jquery, which will be cleaned up eventually.
There may or may not be a staging instance running at https://hangar-new.minidigger.me.
It may or may not allow you to log in, please don't create too much of a mess so that I don't always need to nuke the DB when I want to use it.
## Building
The project uses maven and should be straight forward (we even include a wrapper for you, wow!)
The frontend is located in `src/main/frontend` and uses webpack. You will need yarn to build that. Initially install dependencies via `yarn`, then start the dev environment using `yarn run serve`.
Additionally, you will need a postgresql database. For your convenience, this repo contains a dev-db docker compose stack in the docker folder that will get you setup.
If you want to build both Hangar and [HangarAuth](https://github.com/MiniDigger/HangarAuth)
to run together (without a fakeuser), clone both this repo, and [this](https://github.com/MiniDigger/HangarAuth)
(or if [this pr](https://github.com/MiniDigger/HangarAuth/pull/1) hasn't been merged, clone [this](https://github.com/Machine-Maker/HangarAuth/tree/machines-hangarauth)).
Make sure both Hangar and HangarAuth directories are siblings in your file system. cd into Hangar/docker and run `docker-compose up -d`. That should set everything up for you. You can view the logs via Intellij's docker integration.
I find its better to view the logs there, so that the Hangar logs and HangarAuth logs are separated.
Note that when using docker, a different spring configuration file is used, `Hangar/docker/hangar/application.yml`. To reload changes to Hangar, just CTRL+F9 (rebuild) in Intellij. To rebuild changes to HangarAuth, just run `docker-compose up -d --build`