Hangar is loosely based off of [Ore](https://github.com/SpongePowered/Ore), created by the Sponge project, but rebuilt from the ground up using the Spring Boot
Framework in Java for the backend and Nuxt (with UnoCSS) for the frontend. We would like to thank all Ore contributors. Without them, this project would never
1. Get the dummy database, storage and email server up and running. Move to the docker folder `cd docker` then run `docker-compose -f dev.yml up -d` (`-d` as an optional parameter
2. Move to the `backend` directory: `cd ../backend`. In that directory, run `mvn spring-boot:run`, or if you're using IntelliJ, it is included in the run
3. Move to the `frontend` directory: `cd ../frontend`. In that directory, run `pnpm install`. This will install all the needed Node modules.
4. After the installation, run `pnpm run dev` in the frontend directory to initiate the build and launch. Changes you do to the frontend will be reloaded
* You can view the emails hangar sends on http://localhost:4436/
* On staging/prod Hangar uses object storage, if you want to test that you can install minio and change the storage type to `object` in the `application.yml`
Hangar uses Crowdin for translations. If you want to contribute to translations, create a Crowdin account at https://hangar.crowdin.com/hangar and simply add
new translations or comment/vote on existing translations. You can learn more about navigating the Crowdin UI here: https://support.crowdin.com/online-editor/.
Most of our current and future plans can be found in the [**Hangar Roadmap Project**](https://github.com/PaperMC/Hangar/projects/1). Your best bet is joining
the #development channel on the [Hangar Discord](https://discord.gg/zvrAEbvJ4a) to start discussing potential contributions and ideas. With Hangar being such a
Updating the frontend dependencies can be done best by running `npx npm-check -u` and going through the changelogs. Note that package.json might contain hints