Hello Minecraft! Launcher 
GPL v3, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
HMCL is a Minecraft launcher which supports Mod management, game customizing, auto installing(Forge, LiteLoader and OptiFine), modpack creating, UI customizing and so on.
Binary version can be found here: https://ci.huangyuhui.net/job/HMCL
Archives in GitHub releases are built by closed CIs, uploaded here for backup.
If you want to submit a pull request, there're some requirements:
- IDE: Intellij IDEA.
- Compiler: Java 1.8.
- Do NOT modify
Now HMCLCore is independent and you can use HMCLCore as a library to launch your game.
Create a game repository repository
to manage a minecraft installation. Like this.
DefaultGameRepository repository = new DefaultGameRepository(new File(".minecraft").getAbsoluteFile());
You should put where your minecraft installation is to the only argument of the constructor of DefaultGameRepository
Now you can launch game by constructing a DefaultLauncher
DefaultLauncher launcher = new DefaultLauncher(
repository, // GameRepository
"test", // Your minecraft version name
new AccountBuilder.Builder()
.setProxy(Proxy.NO_PROXY) // Optional
.logIn(), // account
// or new AccountBuilder.Builder()
// .setUsername("someone@xxx.com")
// .setPassword("someone's password")
// // for Mojang account
// .create(new YggdrasilAccountFactory(MojangYggdrasilProvider.INSTANCE))
// // for Authlib Injector account
// .create(new AuthlibInjectorAccountFactory(
// new AuthlibInjectorDownloader(new File("path to save executables of authlib injector"),
// () -> MojangYggdrasilProvider.INSTANCE)::getArtifactInfo,
// () -> AuthlibInjectorServer.fetchServerInfo("Your authlib injector auth server")))
// .logIn()
new LaunchOptions.Builder()
.setGameDir(repository.getBaseDirectory()) // directory that the game saves settings to
.setJava(...) // executable of JVM
.setJavaArgs(...) // additional Java VM arguments
.setMinecraftArgs(...) // additional Minecraft arguments
.setHeight(...) // height of game window
.setWidth(...) // width of game window
new ProcessListener() { // listening the process state.
public void onLog(String log, Log4jLevel level) { // new console log
public void onExit(int exitCode, ExitType exitType) { // process exited
System.out.println("Process exited then exit code " + exitCode);
false // true if launcher process exits, listening threads exit too.
Now you can simply call launcher.launch()
to launch the game.
If you want the command line, just call launcher.getRawCommandLine
. Also, StringUtils.makeCommand
might be useful.
HMCLCore just owns a simple way to download a new game.
DefaultDependencyManager dependency = new DefaultDependencyManager(repository, new MojangDownloadProvider(), proxy);
is your GameRepository
. MojangDownloadProvider.INSTANCE
means that we download files from mojang servers. If you want BMCLAPI, BMCLAPIDownloadProvider.INSTANCE
is just for you. proxy
is java.net.Proxy
, if you have a proxy, put it here, or Proxy.NO_PROXY
Now GameBuilder
can build a game.
Task gameBuildingTask = dependency.gameBuilder()
.gameVersion("1.12") // Minecraft version
.version("forge", "") // Forge version
.version("liteloader", "1.12-SNAPSHOT-4") // LiteLoader version
.version("optifine", "HD_U_C4") // OptiFine version
Nowadays HMCLCore only supports Forge, LiteLoader and OptiFine auto-installing.
will return a Task
, you can call Task.executor()::start
or simply Task::start
to start this task. If you want to monitor the execution of tasks, you should see TaskExecutor
and Task::executor
Modpack installing
HMCLCore supports Curse, MultiMC modpack.
// Installing curse modpack
new CurseInstallTask(dependency, modpackZipFile, CurseManifest.readCurseForgeModpackManifest(modpackZipFile), "name of the new game");
// Installing MultiMC modpack
new MultiMCModpackInstallTask(dependency, modpackZipFile, MultiMCInstanceConfiguration.readMultiMCModpackManifest(modpackZipFile), "name of the new game");
// ** IMPORTANT **: You should read game settings from MultiMCInstanceConfiguration
No plugin API.