Go to file
2018-08-18 02:00:00 +08:00
gradle/wrapper Fixed #336 2018-06-06 19:45:39 +08:00
HMCL Use system proxy by default 2018-08-17 23:48:01 +08:00
HMCLauncher ExeLauncher: Search Java in C:/Program Files 2018-08-08 21:16:57 +08:00
HMCLCore Do not check game asset hash code for every launching 2018-08-18 02:00:00 +08:00
lib Remove roboto font 2018-08-16 02:46:49 +08:00
.gitignore ComponentList for settings view 2017-08-16 10:29:59 +08:00
build.gradle Merge branch 'rewrite-upgrade' of https://github.com/yushijinhun/HMCL into rewrite-upgrade 2018-08-07 22:18:58 +08:00
gradlew Make gradlew executable 2018-08-05 23:08:27 +08:00
gradlew.bat HMCLCore authlib injector support 2018-02-17 11:01:08 +08:00
LICENSE clean up 2018-02-20 18:03:34 +08:00
README.md Fix IllegalStateException in DownloadWizardProvider 2018-07-04 21:41:07 +08:00
settings.gradle Fasten version item construction 2018-06-08 12:45:44 +08:00

Hello Minecraft! Launcher Build Status

GPL v3, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html


HMCL is a Minecraft launcher which supports Mod management, game customizing, auto installing(Forge, LiteLoader and OptiFine), modpack creating, UI customizing and so on.


Binary version can be found here: https://ci.huangyuhui.net/job/HMCL

Archives in GitHub releases are built by closed CIs, uploaded here for backup.


If you want to submit a pull request, there're some requirements:

  • IDE: Intellij IDEA.
  • Compiler: Java 1.8.
  • Do NOT modify gradle files.


Now HMCLCore is independent and you can use HMCLCore as a library to launch your game.


Create a game repository repository to manage a minecraft installation. Like this.

DefaultGameRepository repository = new DefaultGameRepository(new File(".minecraft").getAbsoluteFile());

You should put where your minecraft installation is to the only argument of the constructor of DefaultGameRepository.


Now you can launch game by constructing a DefaultLauncher.

DefaultLauncher launcher = new DefaultLauncher(
        repository, // GameRepository
        "test", // Your minecraft version name
        new AccountBuilder.Builder()
                .setProxy(Proxy.NO_PROXY) // Optional
                .logIn(), // account
        // or new AccountBuilder.Builder()
        //            .setUsername("someone@xxx.com")
        //            .setPassword("someone's password")
        //            // for Mojang account
        //            .create(new YggdrasilAccountFactory(MojangYggdrasilProvider.INSTANCE))
        //            // for Authlib Injector account
        //            .create(new AuthlibInjectorAccountFactory(
        //                new AuthlibInjectorDownloader(new File("path to save executables of authlib injector"),
        //                        () -> MojangYggdrasilProvider.INSTANCE)::getArtifactInfo,
        //                () -> AuthlibInjectorServer.fetchServerInfo("Your authlib injector auth server")))
        //            .logIn()
        new LaunchOptions.Builder()
        		.setGameDir(repository.getBaseDirectory()) // directory that the game saves settings to
        		.setJava(...) // executable of JVM
        		.setJavaArgs(...) // additional Java VM arguments
        		.setMinecraftArgs(...) // additional Minecraft arguments
        		.setHeight(...) // height of game window
        		.setWidth(...)  // width of game window
        new ProcessListener() { // listening the process state.
            public void onLog(String log, Log4jLevel level) { // new console log
            public void onExit(int exitCode, ExitType exitType) { // process exited
                System.out.println("Process exited then exit code " + exitCode);
        false // true if launcher process exits, listening threads exit too.

Now you can simply call launcher.launch() to launch the game. If you want the command line, just call launcher.getRawCommandLine. Also, StringUtils.makeCommand might be useful.


HMCLCore just owns a simple way to download a new game.

DefaultDependencyManager dependency = new DefaultDependencyManager(repository, new MojangDownloadProvider(), proxy);

repository is your GameRepository. MojangDownloadProvider.INSTANCE means that we download files from mojang servers. If you want BMCLAPI, BMCLAPIDownloadProvider.INSTANCE is just for you. proxy is java.net.Proxy, if you have a proxy, put it here, or Proxy.NO_PROXY.

Now GameBuilder can build a game.

Task gameBuildingTask = dependency.gameBuilder()
                .gameVersion("1.12") // Minecraft version
                .version("forge", "") // Forge version
                .version("liteloader", "1.12-SNAPSHOT-4") // LiteLoader version
                .version("optifine", "HD_U_C4") // OptiFine version

Nowadays HMCLCore only supports Forge, LiteLoader and OptiFine auto-installing. buildAsync will return a Task, you can call Task.executor()::start or simply Task::start to start this task. If you want to monitor the execution of tasks, you should see TaskExecutor and Task::executor.

Modpack installing

HMCLCore supports Curse, MultiMC modpack.

// Installing curse modpack
new CurseInstallTask(dependency, modpackZipFile, CurseManifest.readCurseForgeModpackManifest(modpackZipFile), "name of the new game");

// Installing MultiMC modpack
new MultiMCModpackInstallTask(dependency, modpackZipFile, MultiMCInstanceConfiguration.readMultiMCModpackManifest(modpackZipFile), "name of the new game");
// ** IMPORTANT **: You should read game settings from MultiMCInstanceConfiguration


No plugin API.