buildscript { repositories { mavenCentral() } dependencies { classpath("") } } val jfxVersion = "17.0.2" data class Platform( val name: String, val classifier: String, val groupId: String = "org.openjfx", val version: String = jfxVersion, val unsupportedModules: List = listOf() ) { val modules: List = jfxModules.filter { it !in unsupportedModules } fun fileUrl( module: String, classifier: String, ext: String, repo: String = "" ): = "$repo/${groupId.replace('.', '/')}/javafx-$module/$version/javafx-$module-$version-$classifier.$ext" ) } val jfxModules = listOf("base", "graphics", "controls", "fxml", "media", "web") val jfxMirrorRepos = listOf("") val jfxDependenciesFile = project("HMCL").buildDir.resolve("openjfx-dependencies.json") val jfxPlatforms = listOf( Platform("windows-x86", "win-x86"), Platform("windows-x86_64", "win"), Platform("windows-arm64", "win", groupId = "org.glavo.hmcl.openjfx", version = "18.0.2+1-arm64", unsupportedModules = listOf("media", "web")), Platform("osx-x86_64", "mac"), Platform("osx-arm64", "mac-aarch64"), Platform("linux-x86_64", "linux"), Platform("linux-arm32", "linux-arm32-monocle", unsupportedModules = listOf("media", "web")), Platform("linux-arm64", "linux-aarch64"), Platform("linux-loongarch64_ow", "linux", groupId = "org.glavo.hmcl.openjfx", version = "19-ea+10-loongson64", unsupportedModules = listOf("media", "web")), ) val jfxInClasspath = try { Class.forName("javafx.application.Application", false, this.javaClass.classLoader) true } catch (ignored: Throwable) { false } if (!jfxInClasspath && JavaVersion.current() >= JavaVersion.VERSION_11) { val os = System.getProperty("").toLowerCase().let { osName -> when { osName.contains("win") -> "windows" osName.contains("mac") -> "osx" osName.contains("linux") || osName.contains("unix") -> "linux" else -> null } } val arch = when (System.getProperty("os.arch").toLowerCase()) { "x86_64", "x86-64", "amd64", "ia32e", "em64t", "x64" -> "x86_64" "x86", "x86_32", "x86-32", "i386", "i486", "i586", "i686", "i86pc", "ia32", "x32" -> "x86" "arm64", "aarch64", "armv8", "armv9" -> "arm64" else -> null } if (os != null && arch != null) { val platform = jfxPlatforms.find { == "$os-$arch" } if (platform != null) { val groupId = platform.groupId val version = platform.version val classifier = platform.classifier rootProject.subprojects { for (module in jfxModules) { dependencies.add("implementation", "$groupId:javafx-$module:$version:$classifier") dependencies.add("testImplementation", "$groupId:javafx-$module:$version:$classifier") } } } } } rootProject.tasks.create("generateOpenJFXDependencies") { outputs.file(jfxDependenciesFile) doLast { val jfxDependencies = jfxPlatforms.associate { platform -> to { module -> mapOf( "module" to "javafx.$module", "groupId" to platform.groupId, "artifactId" to "javafx-$module", "version" to platform.version, "classifier" to platform.classifier, "sha1" to platform.fileUrl(module, platform.classifier, "jar.sha1").readText() ) } } jfxDependenciesFile.parentFile.mkdirs() jfxDependenciesFile.writeText( ) } } // Ensure that the mirror repository caches files rootProject.tasks.create("preTouchOpenJFXDependencies") { doLast { for (repo in jfxMirrorRepos) { for (platform in jfxPlatforms) { for (module in platform.modules) { val url = platform.fileUrl(module, platform.classifier, "jar", repo = repo) logger.quiet("Getting $url") try { url.readBytes() } catch (e: Throwable) { logger.warn("An exception occurred while pre touching $url", e) } } } } } }