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synced 2025-03-07 17:36:52 +08:00
Accurately obtain the Windows version number; Report error when users try to run minecraft using java for other platforms
This commit is contained in:
@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ public final class Launcher extends Application {
try {
LOG.info("*** " + Metadata.TITLE + " ***");
LOG.info("Operating System: " + System.getProperty("os.name") + ' ' + OperatingSystem.SYSTEM_VERSION);
LOG.info("Operating System: " + OperatingSystem.SYSTEM_NAME + ' ' + OperatingSystem.SYSTEM_VERSION);
LOG.info("Java Version: " + System.getProperty("java.version") + ", " + System.getProperty("java.vendor"));
LOG.info("Java VM Version: " + System.getProperty("java.vm.name") + " (" + System.getProperty("java.vm.info") + "), " + System.getProperty("java.vm.vendor"));
LOG.info("Java Home: " + System.getProperty("java.home"));
@ -430,6 +430,21 @@ public final class LauncherHelper {
} else {
case VANILLA_X86:
if (setting.getNativesDirType() == NativesDirectoryType.VERSION_FOLDER) {
if (Architecture.SYSTEM_ARCH == Architecture.ARM64) {
if (OperatingSystem.CURRENT_OS == OperatingSystem.OSX
// Windows on ARM introduced translation support for x86-64 after 10.0.21277.
|| (OperatingSystem.CURRENT_OS == OperatingSystem.WINDOWS && OperatingSystem.SYSTEM_BUILD_NUMBER >= 21277)) {
Controllers.dialog(i18n("launch.advice.vanilla_x86.translation"), i18n("message.error"), MessageType.ERROR, breakAction);
return null;
Controllers.dialog(i18n("launch.advice.vanilla_x86"), i18n("message.error"), MessageType.ERROR, breakAction);
return null;
} else {
Controllers.dialog(i18n("launch.advice.java9") + "\n" + i18n("launch.advice.uncorrected"), i18n("message.error"), MessageType.ERROR, breakAction);
return null;
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ public class GameCrashWindow extends Stage {
private final String memory;
private final String java;
private final LibraryAnalyzer analyzer;
private final StringProperty os = new SimpleStringProperty(System.getProperty("os.name"));
private final StringProperty os = new SimpleStringProperty(OperatingSystem.SYSTEM_NAME);
private final StringProperty arch = new SimpleStringProperty(Architecture.CURRENT_ARCH_NAME);
private final StringProperty reason = new SimpleStringProperty(i18n("game.crash.reason.unknown"));
private final BooleanProperty loading = new SimpleBooleanProperty();
@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ public class CrashReporter implements Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler {
"\n Content: \n " +
stackTrace + "\n\n" +
"-- System Details --\n" +
" Operating System: " + System.getProperty("os.name") + ' ' + OperatingSystem.SYSTEM_VERSION + "\n" +
" Operating System: " + OperatingSystem.SYSTEM_NAME + ' ' + OperatingSystem.SYSTEM_VERSION + "\n" +
" Java Version: " + System.getProperty("java.version") + ", " + System.getProperty("java.vendor") + "\n" +
" Java VM Version: " + System.getProperty("java.vm.name") + " (" + System.getProperty("java.vm.info") + "), " + System.getProperty("java.vm.vendor") + "\n" +
" JVM Max Memory: " + Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory() + "\n" +
@ -449,6 +449,8 @@ launch.advice.not_enough_space=You have allocated too much memory, because the p
launch.advice.require_newer_java_version=Minecraft %1$s requires Java %2$s or later, are you willing to download one now?
launch.advice.too_large_memory_for_32bit=You have allocated too much memory, because of your 32-Bit Java Runtime Environment, your game may crash. The maximum memory capacity for 32 bit systems is is 1024MB. Shall we continue launching?
launch.advice.vanilla_linux_java_8=For Linux x86-64, Minecraft 1.12.2 and below can only run on Java 8.\nJava 9 and above versions cannot load 32-bit native libraries like liblwjgl.so.
launch.advice.vanilla_x86=Minecraft currently does not provide official support for architectures other than x86 and x86-64.\nYou can try to download the corresponding native library of the platform and specify its placement path.
launch.advice.vanilla_x86.translation=Minecraft currently does not provide official support for architectures other than x86 and x86-64.\nPlease use Java for x86-64 to run minecraft through translator, or download the corresponding native library of the platform and specify its placement path.
launch.failed=Unable to launch
launch.failed.cannot_create_jvm=Java virtual machine could not be created. Java arguments may cause issues. Please restart without JVM arguments.
launch.failed.creating_process=Failed to create process. Check your Java path.
@ -449,6 +449,8 @@ launch.advice.not_enough_space=您設定的記憶體大小過大,由於超過
launch.advice.require_newer_java_version=Minecraft %1$s 僅能運行在 Java %2$s 或更高版本上,是否下載?
launch.advice.too_large_memory_for_32bit=您設定的記憶體大小過大,由於可能超過了 32 位元 Java 的記憶體分配限制,所以可能無法啟動遊戲,請將記憶體調至低於 1024MB 的值。是否繼續啟動?
launch.advice.vanilla_linux_java_8=對於 Linux x86-64 平台,Minecraft 1.12.2 及以下版本僅支持 Java 8。\nJava 9+ 版本會無法載入 32 位的 liblwjgl.so。
launch.advice.vanilla_x86=Minecraft 官方尚未提供對非 x86-64 平臺的支持。\n您可以嘗試下載您所用平臺對應的本機庫,在遊戲設定的調試選項中指定其路徑後再嘗試運行。
launch.advice.vanilla_x86.translation=Minecraft 官方尚未提供對非 x86-64 平臺的支持。\n請使用 x86-64 平臺的 Java 通過轉譯執行,或者嘗試下載您所用平臺對應的本機庫,在遊戲設定的調試選項中指定其路徑後再嘗試運行。
launch.failed.cannot_create_jvm=偵測到無法建立 Java 虛擬機,可能是 Java 參數有問題。可以在設定中開啟無參數模式啟動。
launch.failed.creating_process=啟動失敗,在建立新處理程式時發生錯誤。可能是 Java 路徑錯誤。
@ -448,7 +448,9 @@ launch.advice.newer_java=检测到您未使用 Java 8 及更新版本,Java 8
launch.advice.not_enough_space=您设置的内存大小过大,由于超过了系统内存大小 %dMB,所以可能影响游戏体验或无法启动游戏。是否继续启动?
launch.advice.require_newer_java_version=Minecraft %1$s 仅能运行在 Java %2$s 或更高版本上,是否下载?
launch.advice.too_large_memory_for_32bit=您设置的内存大小过大,由于可能超过了 32 位 Java 的内存分配限制,所以可能无法启动游戏,请将内存调至 1024MB 或更小。是否继续启动?
launch.advice.vanilla_linux_java_8=对于 Linux x86-64 平台,Minecraft 1.12.2 及以下版本仅支持 Java 8。\nJava 9+ 版本会无法加载 32 位的 liblwjgl.so。
launch.advice.vanilla_linux_java_8=对于 Linux x86-64 平台,Minecraft 1.12.2 及以下版本仅支持 Java 8。\nJava 9+ 版本会无法加载 32 位的 liblwjgl.so。
launch.advice.vanilla_x86=Minecraft 官方尚未提供对非 x86-64 平台的支持。\n您可以尝试下载您所用平台对应的本机库,在游戏设置的调试选项中指定其路径后再尝试运行。
launch.advice.vanilla_x86.translation=Minecraft 官方尚未提供对非 x86-64 平台的支持。\n请使用 x86-64 平台的 Java 通过转译执行,或者尝试下载您所用平台对应的本机库,在游戏设置的调试选项中指定其路径后再尝试运行。
launch.failed.cannot_create_jvm=截获到无法创建 Java 虚拟机,可能是 Java 参数有问题,可以在设置中开启无参数模式启动。
launch.failed.creating_process=启动失败,在创建新进程时发生错误,可能是 Java 路径错误。
@ -98,6 +98,21 @@ public enum JavaVersionConstraint {
public boolean checkJava(VersionNumber gameVersionNumber, Version version, JavaVersion javaVersion) {
return javaVersion.getArchitecture() != Architecture.X86_64 || super.checkJava(gameVersionNumber, version, javaVersion);
// Minecraft currently does not provide official support for architectures other than x86 and x86-64.
VANILLA_X86(JavaVersionConstraint.RULE_MANDATORY, versionRange(JavaVersionConstraint.MIN, JavaVersionConstraint.MAX), versionRange(JavaVersionConstraint.MIN, JavaVersionConstraint.MAX)) {
public boolean appliesToVersion(@Nullable VersionNumber gameVersionNumber, @Nullable Version version,
@Nullable JavaVersion javaVersion) {
return getGameVersionRange().contains(gameVersionNumber)
&& Architecture.SYSTEM_ARCH != Architecture.X86 && Architecture.SYSTEM_ARCH != Architecture.X86_64
&& (javaVersion == null || (javaVersion.getArchitecture() != Architecture.X86 && javaVersion.getArchitecture() != Architecture.X86_64));
public boolean checkJava(VersionNumber gameVersionNumber, Version version, JavaVersion javaVersion) {
return javaVersion.getArchitecture() == Architecture.X86 || javaVersion.getArchitecture() == Architecture.X86_64;
private final int type;
@ -17,8 +17,13 @@
package org.jackhuang.hmcl.util.platform;
import org.jackhuang.hmcl.util.versioning.VersionNumber;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
@ -26,6 +31,7 @@ import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.OptionalInt;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
@ -65,7 +71,7 @@ public enum OperatingSystem {
* The current operating system.
public static final OperatingSystem CURRENT_OS;
public static final OperatingSystem CURRENT_OS = parseOSName(System.getProperty("os.name"));
* The total memory/MB this computer have.
@ -86,19 +92,67 @@ public enum OperatingSystem {
public static final String ENCODING = System.getProperty("sun.jnu.encoding", Charset.defaultCharset().name());
* Windows system build number.
* When the version number is not recognized or on another system, the value will be -1.
public static final int SYSTEM_BUILD_NUMBER;
* The name of current operating system.
public static final String SYSTEM_NAME;
* The version of current operating system.
public static final String SYSTEM_VERSION = System.getProperty("os.version");
public static final String SYSTEM_VERSION;
public static final Pattern INVALID_RESOURCE_CHARACTERS;
private static final String[] INVALID_RESOURCE_BASENAMES;
private static final String[] INVALID_RESOURCE_FULLNAMES;
private static final Pattern MEMINFO_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("^(?<key>.*?):\\s+(?<value>\\d+) kB?$");
static {
CURRENT_OS = parseOSName(System.getProperty("os.name"));
String versionNumber = null;
int buildNumber = -1;
try {
Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(new String[]{"cmd", "ver"});
try (BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(process.getInputStream()))) {
Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile("(?<version>[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.(?<build>[0-9]+)(\\.[0-9]+)?)]$")
if (matcher.find()) {
versionNumber = matcher.group("version");
buildNumber = Integer.parseInt(matcher.group("build"));
} catch (Throwable ignored) {
if (versionNumber == null) {
versionNumber = System.getProperty("os.version");
String osName = System.getProperty("os.name");
// Java 17 or earlier recognizes Windows 11 as Windows 10
if (osName.equals("Windows 10") && buildNumber >= 22000) {
osName = "Windows 11";
SYSTEM_VERSION = versionNumber;
} else {
SYSTEM_NAME = System.getProperty("os.name");
SYSTEM_VERSION = System.getProperty("os.version");
TOTAL_MEMORY = getPhysicalMemoryStatus()
@ -4,13 +4,16 @@ import java.util.Objects;
public final class Platform {
public static final Platform UNKNOWN = new Platform(OperatingSystem.UNKNOWN, Architecture.UNKNOWN);
public static final Platform CURRENT_PLATFORM = new Platform(OperatingSystem.CURRENT_OS, Architecture.CURRENT_ARCH);
public static final Platform SYSTEM_PLATFORM = new Platform(OperatingSystem.CURRENT_OS, Architecture.SYSTEM_ARCH);
public static final Platform WINDOWS_X86_64 = new Platform(OperatingSystem.WINDOWS, Architecture.X86_64);
public static final Platform OSX_X86_64 = new Platform(OperatingSystem.OSX, Architecture.X86_64);
public static final Platform LINUX_X86_64 = new Platform(OperatingSystem.LINUX, Architecture.X86_64);
public static final Platform OSX_ARM64 = new Platform(OperatingSystem.OSX, Architecture.ARM64);
public static final Platform CURRENT_PLATFORM = Platform.getPlatform(OperatingSystem.CURRENT_OS, Architecture.CURRENT_ARCH);
public static final Platform SYSTEM_PLATFORM = Platform.getPlatform(OperatingSystem.CURRENT_OS, Architecture.SYSTEM_ARCH);
private final OperatingSystem os;
private final Architecture arch;
@ -37,6 +40,8 @@ public final class Platform {
case LINUX:
return LINUX_X86_64;
} else if (arch == Architecture.ARM64 && OperatingSystem.CURRENT_OS == OperatingSystem.OSX) {
return OSX_ARM64;
return new Platform(os, arch);
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