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# Help us to translate this file into your language.
# Guide:
# Don't forget to leave your name here, so that we can give you credit for your translation.
# Translated by: YOUR_NAME_HERE
SetFlagUsage: 'Usage: /dominion set <flag_name> <true/false> [dominion name]'
CreateDominionUsage: 'Usage: /dominion create <dominion name>'
CreateSelectPointsFirst: Please first use the tool to select the points, or use /dominion auto_create <dominion name> to create dominion automatically.
CreateSubDominionUsage: 'Usage: /dominion create_sub <sub name> [parent name]'
CreateSubSelectPointsFirst: Please first use the tool to select the points, or use /dominion auto_create_sub <sub name> [parent name] to create sub-dominion automatically.
AutoCreateDominionUsage: 'Usage: /dominion auto_create <dominion name>'
AutoCreateSubDominionUsage: 'Usage: /dominion auto_create_sub <sub name> [parent name]'
AutoCreateDominionDisabled: Automatic creation function has been disabled by operator.
ExpandDominionUsage: 'Usage: /dominion expand [size] [dominion name]'
ContractDominionUsage: 'Usage: /dominion contract [size] [dominion name]'
SizeShouldBeInteger: Size should be an integer.
SizeShouldBePositive: Size should be greater than 0.
DeleteDominionUsage: 'Usage: /dominion delete <dominion name>'
SetEnterMessageUsage: 'Usage: /dominion set_enter_msg <msg> [dominion name]'
SetLeaveMessageUsage: 'Usage: /dominion set_leave_msg <msg> [dominion name]'
SetTpLocationUsage: 'Usage: /dominion set_tp_location [dominion name]'
RenameDominionUsage: 'Usage: /dominion rename <old name> <new name>'
GiveDominionUsage: 'Usage: /dominion give <dominion name> <player name>'
TpDominionUsage: 'Usage: /dominion tp <dominion name>'
DominionNotExist: Dominion does not exist.
SetMapColorUsage: 'Usage: /dominion set_map_color <hex color> [dominion name]'
CreateGroupUsage: 'Usage: /dominion group create <dominion name> <group name>'
DeleteGroupUsage: 'Usage: /dominion group delete <dominion name> <group name>'
RenameGroupUsage: 'Usage: /dominion group rename <dominion name> <old name> <new name>'
SetGroupFlagUsage: 'Usage: /dominion group set_flag <dominion name> <group name> <flag name> <true|false>'
AddGroupMemberUsage: 'Usage: /dominion group add_member <dominion name> <group name> <player name>'
RemoveGroupMemberUsage: 'Usage: /dominion group remove_member <dominion name> <group name> <player name>'
GroupUsage: 'Usage: /dominion group <create|delete|rename|set_flag|add_member|remove_member|select_member|setting|list>'
NewGroupName: New group name
DominionAddMemberUsage: 'Usage: /dominion member add <dominion name> <player name>'
DominionSetFlagUsage: 'Usage: /dominion member set_flag <dominion name> <player name> <flag name> <true/false>'
DominionRemoveMemberUsage: 'Usage: /dominion member remove <dominion name> <player name>'
DominionApplyTemplateUsage: 'Usage: /dominion member apply_template <dominion name> <player name> <template name>'
MemberUsage: 'Usage: /dominion member <add/set_flag/remove/apply_template/list/setting/select_player/select_template>'
PageOptional: Page (optional)
ArgumentsNotEnough: Insufficient parameters.
UnknownArgument: Unknown argument.
SizeInteger: Size (integer)
DominionName: Dominion Name
SubDominionName: Sub-dominion Name
EnterMessageContent: Enter Message
LeaveMessageContent: Leave Message
InputColor: Color (HEX)
NewDominionName: New Dominion Name
MigrationDisabled: Migration from residence has been disabled by operator.
MigrateUsage: 'Usage: /dominion migrate <res territory name>'
NoMigrationData: You have no data to migrate.
NoResidenceDominion: Specified res territory not found.
ResidenceNotOwner: You are not the owner of this res territory, cannot migrate it.
MigrateFailed: 'Migration failed: %s.'
MigrateSuccess: Territory %s has been migrated from Residence to Dominion.
ReloadingDominionCache: Reloading cache from the database...
ReloadedDominionCache: Cache has been reloaded.
ReloadingPrivilegeCache: Reloading player permission cache from the database...
ReloadedPrivilegeCache: Player permission cache has been reloaded.
ReloadingGroupCache: Reloading group cache from the database...
ReloadedGroupCache: Group cache has been reloaded.
ExportingMCAList: Exporting the list of MCA files containing dominions...
CreateExportFolderFailed: Failed to create export folder.
ExportingMCAListForWorld: Exporting the list of MCA files for %s...
DeleteMCAListFailed: Failed to delete the MCA file list for %s.
CreateMCAListFailed: Failed to create the MCA file list for %s.
WriteMCAListFailed: Failed to write to %s.
ExportMCAListFailed: Failed to export the MCA file list for %s.
ExportedMCAList: MCA file list has been exported to %s.
ReloadingConfig: Reloading configuration file...
ReloadedConfig: Configuration file has been reloaded.
CreateTemplateUsage: 'Usage: /dominion template create <template name>'
DeleteTemplateUsage: 'Usage: /dominion template delete <template name>'
SetTemplateFlagUsage: 'Usage: /dominion template set_flag <template name> <flag name> <true/false>'
TemplateUsage: 'Usage: /dominion template <list|setting|delete|create|set_flag>'
NewTemplateName: New template name
UseTitleUsage: 'Usage: /dominion use_title <group id>'
RemoveTitleSuccess: Successfully removed title.
GroupNotExist: Group does not exist.
GroupDominionNotExist: Group %s does not belong to any dominion.
NotDominionMember: You are not a member of dominion %s and cannot use its title.
NotGroupMember: You are not a member of group %s and cannot use its title.
UseTitleSuccess: Successfully used group title %s.
UseTitleFailed: 'Using title failed: %s.'
OpBypassTpLimit: You are OP, you will bypass territory teleportation limits
WorldNotExist: The world where the dominion is located does not exist
NoTpLocation: Dominion %s does not have a teleport point set, attempting to teleport to the center point
TpLocationNotInside: The teleport point for dominion %s is not inside the dominion, attempting to teleport to the center point
TpToDominion: You have been teleported to %s
TpDisabled: Administrator has disabled teleportation to dominions
DominionNoTp: Teleportation is prohibited in this dominion
GroupNoTp: Your group is not allowed to teleport to this dominion
PrivilegeNoTp: You are not allowed to teleport to this dominion
TpCoolDown: Please wait %d seconds before teleporting again
TpDelay: Teleportation will occur in %d seconds
TpCountDown: Teleport countdown %d seconds
TpFailed: Teleportation failed, please try again
CreateDominionFailed: Failed to create dominion
CreateDominionSuccess: Successfully created dominion %s
DominionNameShouldNotEmpty: Dominion name cannot be empty
DominionNameInvalid: Dominion name cannot contain spaces or periods
DominionNameExist: A dominion with the name %s already exists
SelectPointsWorldNotSame: The two selected worlds are inconsistent
CreateDominionDisabledWorld: Creating dominion is prohibited in world %s
DominionAmountLimit: You have reached the limit of dominions (%d)
ParentDominionNotExist: Parent dominion %s does not exist
RootDominionLost: Root dominion lost!
NotParentDominionOwner: You are not the owner of parent dominion %s, cannot create sub-dominion
ParentDominionNotInSameWorld: Parent dominion and sub-dominion are not in the same world
OutOfParentDominionRange: Out of bounds of parent dominion %s
ConflictWithSpawnProtect: Conflict with spawn protection
ConflictWithDominion: Conflict with dominion %s
DatabaseError: Database error, please contact the administrator
CannotGetDominionAuto: Cannot get the dominion you are in, please specify the name
ExpandDominionFailed: Failed to expand dominion
DominionWorldLost: The world where the dominion is located is missing
ParentDominionLost: Parent dominion lost
ExpandDominionSuccess: Successfully expanded dominion %s by %d blocks
ContractDominionFailed: Failed to contract dominion
ContractDominionConflict: The contracted dominion cannot contain the sub-dominion %s
ContractDominionSuccess: Successfully contracted dominion %s by %d blocks
DeleteDominionFailed: Failed to delete dominion
DeleteDominionSuccess: Dominion %s and all its sub-dominions have been deleted
DeleteDominionConfirm: Deleting dominion %s will also delete all its sub-dominions, do you wish to proceed?
DeleteDominionForceConfirm: Type /dominion delete %s force to confirm deletion
SetEnterMessageSuccess: Successfully set the enter message for dominion %s
SetLeaveMessageSuccess: Successfully set the leave message for dominion %s
SetTpLocationFailed: Failed to set teleport point for dominion
DominionNotExist: Dominion %s does not exist
DominionWorldNotExist: The world where the dominion is located does not exist
SetTpLocationSuccess: Successfully set teleport point for dominion %s at %d %d %d
TpLocationNotInDominion: Teleport point is not within dominion %s
RenameDominionFailed: Failed to rename dominion
RenameDominionSameName: The new name is the same as the old name
RenameDominionSuccess: Successfully renamed dominion %s to %s
GiveDominionFailed: Failed to give dominion
PlayerNotExist: Player %s does not exist or has not logged in
DominionAlreadyBelong: Dominion %s already belongs to %s, no need to transfer
SubDominionCannotGive: Sub-dominions cannot be transferred, you can allow %s to manage the dominion %s by setting them as an admin
GiveDominionConfirm: Transferring dominion %s to %s will also transfer all its sub-dominions, do you wish to proceed?
GiveDominionForceConfirm: Type /dominion give %s %s force to confirm transfer
GiveDominionSuccess: Successfully transferred dominion %s and all its sub-dominions to %s
SetMapColorFailed: Failed to set dominion map color
MapColorInvalid: Color format is invalid
SetMapColorSuccess: Successfully set satellite map color for dominion %s to %s
SizeInvalid: Size is invalid
SizeShouldBeGreaterThan4: The length of any side of the dominion cannot be less than 4
SizeXShouldBeLessThan: The length of the dominion in the X direction (East-West) cannot exceed %d
SizeYShouldBeLessThan: The height of the dominion in the Y direction (Up-Down) cannot exceed %d
SizeZShouldBeLessThan: The length of the dominion in the Z direction (North-South) cannot exceed %d
MaxYShouldBeLessThan: The upper limit of the dominion's Y coordinate cannot exceed %d
MinYShouldBeLessThan: The lower limit of the dominion's Y coordinate cannot exceed %d
DepthInvalid: Sub-dominion depth is invalid
CreateSubDominionDisabled: Creating sub-dominions is not allowed
DepthShouldBeLessThan: The nesting depth of sub-dominions cannot exceed %d
NotDominionOwner: You are not the owner of dominion %s
NoEconomyPlugin: No available economy plugin system, please contact the server owner
OpBypassEconomyCheck: You are OP, the economy check has been skipped
NotEnoughMoney: Your balance is insufficient, need %.2f %s
ChargeMoney: Deducted %.2f %s
RefundMoney: Refunded %.2f %s
CannotGetLocation: Cannot get your location
CrossWorldOperationDisallowed: Cross-world operations are disallowed
NotInDominion: You are not in dominion %s, cannot perform this operation
CannotGetDirection: Cannot get your direction
InvalidDirection: Invalid direction %s
ContractSizeInvalid: The size after contraction is invalid
SubDominionList: '(Sub-dominions: %s)'
SetDominionFlagSuccess: Successfully set dominion permission %s to %s
UnknownFlag: Unknown permission %s
PageNoPermission: You do not have permission to access this page
CreateGroupFailed: Failed to create group %s
CreateGroupSuccess: Successfully created group %s
GroupNameInvalid: Group name cannot contain spaces
GroupNameExist: Dominion %s already has a group named %s
DeleteGroupFailed: Failed to delete group %s
DeleteGroupSuccess: Successfully deleted group %s
GroupNotExist: Dominion %s does not have a group named %s
SetGroupFlagFailed: Failed to set permission %s for group %s to %s
SetGroupFlagSuccess: Successfully set the permissions %s for the permission group %s to %s
NotDominionOwnerForGroup: You are not the owner of the territory %s and cannot modify the admin permission group permissions
RenameGroupFailed: Failed to rename permission group %s to %s
RenameGroupSuccess: Successfully renamed permission group %s to %s
AddGroupMemberFailed: Failed to add member %s to permission group %s
AddGroupMemberSuccess: Successfully added member %s to permission group %s
NoPermissionForGroupMember: You do not have permission to modify the members of the permission group %s in the territory %s
NotDominionOwnerForGroupMember: You are not the owner of the territory %s and cannot add members to the admin permission group
PlayerNotDominionMember: Player %s is not a member of territory %s and cannot directly join the permission group
PlayerAlreadyInGroup: Player %s is already in permission group %s
PlayerIsOwnerForGroupMember: '%s is an admin; you are not the owner of territory %s and cannot add an admin to the permission group'
RemoveGroupMemberFailed: Failed to remove member %s from permission group %s
RemoveGroupMemberSuccess: Successfully removed member %s from permission group %s
NoPermissionForRemoveGroupMember: You do not have permission to remove members of the permission group %s in territory %s
NotDominionOwnerForRemoveGroupMember: You are not the owner of the territory %s and cannot remove members from the admin permission group
PlayerNotMember: Player %s is not a member of territory %s
PlayerNotInGroup: Player %s is not in permission group %s
RemoveMemberFailed: Failed to remove player %s from territory %s
RemoveMemberSuccess: Successfully removed player %s from territory %s
SetMemberFlagFailed: Failed to set player %s's permissions %s in territory %s to %s
SetMemberFlagSuccess: Successfully set player %s's permissions %s in territory %s to %s
PlayerBelongToGroup: Player %s belongs to permission group %s and cannot set permissions separately
AddMemberFailed: Failed to add player %s to the territory member %s
AddMemberSuccess: Successfully added player %s to the territory member %s
PlayerAlreadyMember: Player %s is already a member of territory %s
ApplyTemplateSuccess: Successfully applied template %s to player %s's permissions in territory %s
ApplyTemplateFailed: Failed to apply template %s to player %s's permissions in territory %s
TemplateNotExist: Template %s does not exist
NotDominionOwnerForRemoveAdmin: You are not the owner of the territory %s and cannot remove a territory admin
NotDominionOwnerForSetAdmin: You are not the owner of the territory %s and cannot modify other players' admin permissions
OwnerCannotBeMember: Player %s is the owner of territory %s and cannot be added as a member
CreateTemplateSuccess: Successfully created template %s
CreateTemplateFailed: Failed to create template %s
TemplateNameInvalid: Template name cannot contain spaces
TemplateNameExist: A permission template named %s already exists
DeleteTemplateSuccess: Successfully deleted template %s
DeleteTemplateFailed: Failed to delete template %s
SetTemplateFlagSuccess: Successfully set the permissions %s for the template %s to %s
SetTemplateFlagFailed: Failed to set the permissions %s for the template %s to %s
CommandPlayerOnly: This command can only be executed by players
NoPermission: You do not have %s permission to execute this command
NotDominionOwnerOrAdmin: You are not the owner or admin of territory %s and have no right to modify permissions
InSubDominion: You are currently in a sub-territory, please specify the name of the territory to operate on
NoPermissionForFlag: You do not have %s (%s) permission
BlueMapConnectFailed: Unable to connect to BlueMap plugin. If you do not intend to use satellite map rendering, please go to the configuration file to disable this feature to avoid errors below
DynmapRegisterSuccess: Dynmap registered successfully
DynmapConnectFailed: Unable to connect to Dynmap. If you do not intend to use satellite map rendering, please go to the configuration file to disable this feature
PlaceholderAPINotFound: PlaceholderAPI plugin not found, unable to use permission group title feature, automatically turned off
PluginEnabled: The territory plugin has been started
PluginVersion: 'Version: %s'
PlaceholderAPIRegisterSuccess: Successfully registered PlaceholderAPI extension
LoadedGroupAmount: Loaded a total of %d territory groups
AutoCleanStart: Started automatic cleanup of long-inactive player territory data
AutoCleanPlayer: Cleaned up territory data of player %s
AutoCleanEnd: Automatic cleanup completed
MapInfoDetail: '<div>%s</div><div>Everyone: %s</div>'
NotDominionOwnerOrAdminForPage: You are not the owner or admin of %s and have no access to this page
Title: Commands Help List
SubTitle: <> is necessary, [] is optional
Menu: MAIN
DominionList: DOMS
Manage: MANAGE
EnvSetting: ENV
GuestSetting: GUEST
MemberList: MEMBERS
MemberSetting: MEMBER
GroupList: GROUPS
GroupSetting: GROUP
AllDominion: ALL_DOMS
TemplateList: TEMPLATES
TemplateSetting: TEMPLATE
MigrateList: RES_DATA
TitleList: TITLES
ManageButton: MANAGE
DeleteButton: DELETE
SearchButton: SEARCH
BackButton: BACK
SelectButton: SELECT
EditButton: EDIT
Title: Dominion Main Menu
CreateDominionButton: CREATE
CreateDominionDescription: Create a dominion automatically around you.
MyDominionButton: DOMINIONS
MyDominionDescription: List all your dominions.
TitleListButton: TITLES
TitleListDescription: List/Use group titles.
TemplateListButton: TEMPLATES
TemplateListDescription: Permission template list.
CommandHelpButton: HELP
CommandHelpDescription: View command list.
DocumentButton: DOCS
DocumentDescription: Open usage documentation in the browser.
MigrateButton: MIGRATE
MigrateDescription: Migrate your territories from Residence.
AllDominionButton: ALL_DOMS
AllDominionDescription: List all dominions of server.
ReloadCacheButton: RELOAD_CACHE
ReloadCacheDescription: Could solve some weird problem. DONT DO THIS FREQUENTLY!
ReloadConfigButton: RELOAD_CONF
ReloadConfigDescription: Reload configuration file from disk.
OpOnlySection: '--- FOLLOWING VISIBLE OP ONLY ---'
Title: My Dominion List
AdminSection: '--- YOU ARE ADMIN OF FOLLOWING ---'
Title: '%s Management'
InfoButton: DETAILS
InfoDescription: View details of this dominion.
EnvSettingButton: ENV_SETTING
EnvSettingDescription: Set some environmental behaviors.
GuestSettingButton: GUEST_SETTING
GuestSettingDescription: Configure guest permissions.
MemberListButton: MEMBERS
MemberListDescription: Manage the permissions of members.
GroupListButton: GROUPS
GroupListDescription: Manage the permission groups.
SetTpLocationButton: SET_TP_LOC
SetTpLocationDescription: Set the teleport point.
RenameButton: RENAME
RenameDescription: Rename the dominion.
EditJoinMessageButton: EDIT_ENTER_MSG
EditJoinMessageDescription: Message displayed when enter.
EditLeaveMessageButton: EDIT_LEAVE_MSG
EditLeaveMessageDescription: Message displayed when leave.
SetMapColorButton: COLOR
SetMapColorDescription: Color will be shown on web map.
NotInDominion: You are not in any dominion, please specify the dominion name /dominion manage <dominion name>
Title: '%s Environmental Settings'
Usage: 'Usage: /dominion env_setting <dominion name> [page]'
Title: '%s Guest Settings'
Usage: 'Usage: /dominion guest_setting <dominion name> [page]'
Title: '%s Size Information'
Owner: 'Owner:'
Size: 'Size:'
Center: 'Center Coordinates:'
Vertical: 'Vertical Height:'
VertY: 'Y-axis Coordinates:'
Square: 'Square:'
Volume: 'Volume:'
TpLocation: 'Teleport Coordinates:'
NoneTp: None Tp Info
Usage: You are not in any dominion, please specify the dominion name /dominion info <dominion name>
Title: '%s Member List'
FlagButton: PERMS
FlagDescription: Configure member permissions.
RemoveButton: REMOVE
RemoveDescription: Remove this member (to guest).
NoPermissionSet: Only owner can set admin permissions.
NoPermissionRemove: Only owner can remove admin permissions.
BelongToGroup: This member belongs to group %s and cannot set permissions separately.
Usage: 'Usage: /dominion member list <dominion name> [page]'
AdminTag: This member is an ADMIN.
NormalTag: This is a regular MEMBER.
BlacklistTag: This is a BLACKLIST member.
GroupTag: This member is in a GROUP.
Title: '%s Permission in %s'
ApplyTemplateButton: APPLY_TEMPLATE
ApplyTemplateDescription: Choose a template to apply.
Usage: 'Usage: /dominion member setting <dominion name> <player name> [page]'
Title: Select Player to Add as Member
Description: You can only select players who have logged before.
Usage: 'Usage: /dominion member select_player <dominion name> [page]'
Title: Select a Template
Description: Apply to %s in %s.
Usage: 'Usage: /dominion member select_template <dominion name> <player name> [page]'
Title: '%s Group List'
CreateButton: CREATE_GROUP
CreateDescription: Create a new group.
DeleteDescription: Delete group %s.
EditDescription: Edit group %s.
AddMemberDescription: Add member to group %s.
RemoveMemberDescription: Remove %s from group %s.
Usage: 'Usage: /dominion group list <dominion name> [page]'
RenameButton: RENAME_GROUP
Usage: 'Usage: /dominion group setting <dominion name> <group name> [page]'
TitleL: 'Group '
TitleR: ' Management'
RenameDescription: Rename group %s.
Title: Select Member
Description: Select a member to add to group %s.
Usage: 'Usage: /dominion group select_member <dominion name> <group name> [cb page] [page]'
Title: Permission Template List
CreateDescription: Create a new permission template.
Title: Template %s Management
Title: Migration from Residence
NoData: You do not have any data to migrate.
SubDominion: Sub-territories cannot be migrated manually, they will migrate automatically with the parent territory.
Title: My Group Titles
RemoveButton: UNSET
ApplyButton: USE
FromDominion: 'From Dominion:'
CreateDominion: Type New Dominion Name
CreateGroup: Type New Group Name
CreateTemplate: Type New Template Name
EditEnterMessage: Edit Enter Message
EditLeaveMessage: Edit Leave Message
AddMember: Type Player Name to Add Member
RenameDominion: Rename Dominion
RenameGroup: Rename Group
SetMapColor: Type HEX Color
AutoCreateRadiusError: AutoCreateRadius cannot be 0, reset to 10
AutoCleanAfterDaysError: AutoCleanAfterDays cannot be 0, reset to 180
ToolNameError: Tool name setting error, reset to ARROW
LimitSizeXError: Limit.SizeX dimension cannot be less than 4, reset to 128
LimitSizeYError: Limit.SizeY dimension cannot be less than 4, reset to 64
LimitSizeZError: Limit.SizeZ dimension cannot be less than 4, reset to 128
LimitMinYError: Limit.MinY cannot be greater than or equal to Limit.MaxY, reset to -64 320
RefundError: Economy.Refund setting is illegal, reset to 0.85
PriceError: Economy.Price setting is illegal, reset to 10.0
LimitSizeYAutoAdjust: When Limit.Vert is enabled, Limit.SizeY cannot be less than Limit.MaxY - Limit.MinY, automatically adjusted to %d
AmountError: Limit.Amount setting is illegal, reset to 10
DepthError: Limit.Depth setting is illegal, reset to 3
GroupMinYError: Permission group %s's MinY cannot be greater than or equal to MaxY, reset to -64 and 320
GroupSizeXError: Permission group %s's SizeX is set too small, reset to 128
GroupSizeYError: Permission group %s's SizeY is set too small, reset to 64
GroupSizeZError: Permission group %s's SizeZ is set too small, reset to 128
GroupAmountError: Permission group %s's Amount setting is illegal, reset to 10
GroupDepthError: Permission group %s's Depth setting is illegal, reset to 3
GroupPriceError: Permission group %s's Price setting is illegal, reset to 10.0
GroupRefundError: Permission group %s's Refund setting is illegal, reset to 0.85
LoadFlagError: 'Failed to read permission configuration: %s'
TpDelayError: Teleport delay cannot be less than 0, reset to 0
TpCoolDownError: Teleport cooldown cannot be less than 0, reset to 0
Language: Language settings, refer to the file names in the languages folder
AutoCreateRadius: Automatically created territory radius, in blocks
NegativeOneDisabled: '-1 means disabled'
DefaultLimit: Default player territory limit
SpawnProtectRadius: Spawn point protection radius. Territory cannot be claimed in this area around the spawn point
MinY: Minimum Y coordinate
MaxY: Maximum Y coordinate
NegativeOneUnlimited: '-1 means no limit'
SizeX: Maximum length in the X direction
SizeY: Maximum length in the Y direction
SizeZ: Maximum length in the Z direction
Amount: Maximum number of territories
Depth: Sub-territory depth
ZeroDisabled: 0 means disabled
Vert: Whether to automatically extend to MaxY and MinY
OpBypass: Whether to allow OP to ignore territory restrictions
TpDelay: Teleport delay seconds
TpCoolDown: Teleport cool down seconds
AutoCleanAfterDays: Automatically clean up territories of players who haven't logged in for a long time (days)
ToolName: Territory tool name
Economy: Economy settings
VaultRequired: Vault plugin and its dependencies must be installed
Price: Territory price per block
OnlyXZ: Whether to only calculate the xz plane area
Refund: Refund ratio when deleting or shrinking territory
FlyPermission: Flight permission node - players who possess any of the following permission nodes will not be intercepted from flying by this plugin
ResidenceMigration: Whether players are allowed to migrate territory data from Residence
GroupTitle: Permission group title - use permission group as a title (PlaceholderAPI plugin required)
GroupTitleVariable: 'Variable: %dominion_group_title%'
GroupTitleColor: 'If you want to add color to prefixes or suffixes, please use this format &#ffffff'
PerformanceTimer: Performance testing timer
GroupLine1: '>---------------------------------<'
GroupLine2: '| Special permission group configuration for territory restrictions |'
GroupLine3: '>---------------------------------<'
GroupLine4: This file can be used as a template, you can copy this file and rename it to what you want
GroupLine5: Permission group name, then modify the configuration inside if you want to give sponsors (or VIPs)
GroupLine6: 'Some special offers, such as lower territory prices or larger territories, can be configured here. For detailed instructions, refer to the following link:'
GroupLine7: 'Configuration here. Detailed instructions can be found at the following link:'
GroupLine8DocumentAddress: '>'
WorldSettings: Set the land rules for a specific world separately (if not set, the above rules will be used)
DisplayName: Admin
Description: Manage permissions of other members within the territory
DisplayName: Spawn Anchor
Description: Whether to allow setting/using spawn anchors
DisplayName: Inflict damage to animals
Description: Whether to allow inflicting damage to animals
DisplayName: Animal spawn (breeding)
Description: Whether to allow animal spawning (including breeding)
DisplayName: Animal movement
Description: Whether animals can move in (to) the territory
DisplayName: Use Anvil
Description: Whether to allow using the anvil
DisplayName: Beacon interaction
Description: Whether to allow interaction with beacons
DisplayName: Bed interaction
Description: Whether to allow sleeping in beds or setting spawn points
DisplayName: Use Brewing Stand
Description: Whether to allow using brewing stands
DisplayName: Break Blocks
Description: 'Whether blocks can be destroyed (including: general blocks, display frames, armor stands)'
DisplayName: Use Buttons
Description: Whether to allow using buttons of various materials
DisplayName: Eat Cake
Description: Whether to allow eating cake
DisplayName: General Containers
Description: 'Includes: chests/barrels/shulker boxes/armor stands/display cases'
DisplayName: Use Crafting Table
Description: Whether to allow using crafting tables
DisplayName: Crafting Table
Description: Whether to allow modifying automatic crafting tables
DisplayName: Mob destruction/non-TNT explosion
Description: 'Includes: creepers/nether stars/ender crystals/fire balls/beds/spawn anchors explosion etc.'
DisplayName: Comparator Interaction
Description: Whether to allow modifying comparator states
DisplayName: Door Interaction
Description: Whether to use various materials for doors (including trapdoors)
DisplayName: Ender Dragon Break Blocks
Description: Whether the ender dragon's collision can break blocks
DisplayName: Touch Dragon Egg
Description: Whether to allow touching dragon eggs
DisplayName: Dyeing
Description: Whether dye can be used (to dye sheep, dog collars, cat collars)
DisplayName: Edit Sign
Description: Whether to allow editing signs
DisplayName: Throw Eggs
Description: Whether to allow throwing eggs
DisplayName: Use Enchanting Table
Description: Whether to allow using enchanting tables
DisplayName: Enderman Behavior
Description: 'Includes: whether endermen can spawn and teleport'
DisplayName: Throw Ender Pearls
Description: Whether to allow using ender pearls
DisplayName: Feed Animals
Description: Whether to allow feeding animals
DisplayName: Fire Spread
Description: Whether fire can spread
DisplayName: Whether external fluids can enter
Description: 'Includes: lava, water (will not prevent fluid spread within the territory)'
DisplayName: Flying
Description: This is not elytra flight, it is akin to flying in creative mode
DisplayName: Player Glow
Description: Similar glowing effect to spectral arrows
DisplayName: Harvest
Description: Harvest crops and plants
DisplayName: Honeycomb Interaction
Description: Whether to allow collecting honey
DisplayName: Use Fishing Rod
Description: Whether to allow using fishing rods
DisplayName: Special Containers
Description: 'Includes: hoppers/furnaces/dispensers/dropper/smelters/smoker'
DisplayName: Whether territory outside hoppers affect chests within the territory
Description: Whether hoppers outside the territory can affect chests inside the territory
DisplayName: Ignite
Description: Whether to allow igniting with flint and steel
DisplayName: Item Frame Interaction
Description: Whether items can interact with item frames (rotate items in item frames)
DisplayName: Whether throwable entities can break item frames/pictures
Description: Whether non-player thrown items can break item frames/pictures and other hanging objects
DisplayName: Use Lever
Description: Whether to allow using levers
DisplayName: Mob Drop Item
Description: Whether mobs drop items when they die
DisplayName: Inflict damage to monsters
Description: Whether players can inflict damage to monsters
DisplayName: Monster Spawn
Description: Whether monsters can spawn
DisplayName: Monster Movement
Description: Whether monsters can move in (to) the territory
DisplayName: Move
Description: Whether to allow moving
DisplayName: Click Note Block
Description: Redstone music or some redstone machines may use this...
DisplayName: Place Blocks
Description: 'Whether blocks can be placed (including: general blocks, display frames, lava, water)'
DisplayName: Whether pistons can push blocks across territory
Description: Whether pistons can push things into the territory or push things out of the territory
DisplayName: Pressure Plate Interaction
Description: Whether to trigger pressure plates of various materials
DisplayName: Ride Vehicles
Description: Whether to allow riding various vehicles
DisplayName: Repeater Interaction
Description: Whether to allow interaction with repeaters
DisplayName: Shear Wool
Description: Whether to allow shearing wool
DisplayName: Throwing Weapons
Description: 'Includes: archery/snowballs/tridents/blast materials'
DisplayName: Show Territory Border
Description: Whether to display the territory border
DisplayName: Territory Teleport
Description: Whether to enable territory teleport
DisplayName: TNT Explosion
Description: Whether TNT can explode
DisplayName: Villager Trading
Description: Whether to allow trading with villagers
DisplayName: Crop Trampling
Description: Whether crops can be trampled (turning off means protecting tillage)
DisplayName: Throwable triggers pressure plates
Description: Whether thrown items (arrows/fireballs/snowballs) can trigger pressure plates
DisplayName: Mob triggers pressure plates
Description: Whether mobs (excluding players) can trigger pressure plates
DisplayName: Dropped Items trigger pressure plates
Description: Whether dropped items can trigger pressure plates
DisplayName: Destroy Vehicles
Description: Whether vehicles (mainly minecarts) can be destroyed
DisplayName: Spawn Vehicles
Description: Whether vehicles (mainly minecarts) can spawn
DisplayName: Inflict damage to villagers
Description: Whether players can inflict damage to villagers
DisplayName: Villager Breeding
Description: Whether villagers can breed (including villager eggs)
DisplayName: Wither Spawn
Description: Wither spawn and the explosion caused by wither spawn
LoadLanguageSuccess: Successfully loaded language file en-us
LoadLanguageFailed: 'Failed to load language file: %s'
LanguageFileNotFound: Language file %s not found, using default zh-cn.
TeleportUnsafe: The teleport destination is unsafe, teleportation cancelled.
CheckingUpdate: Checking for updates...
NewVersion: 'New version found: %s'
VersionInfo: 'Version information:'
DownloadPage: 'Download page: %s'
CurrentVersion: 'You are currently on the latest version: %s'
GetUpdateFailed: 'Failed to get updates: %s'
NewVersionConsole: 'New version found: %s . Check the console for details or click the link below'
VaultNotAvailable: Vault not available.
VaultUnlockedNotAvailable: VaultUnlocked not available.
NoEconomyPlugin: No available economy plugin.
Navigation: NAV
NoContent: Uh oh, theres no content here
Add: ADD
Sub: SUB
PreviousPage: '<'
NextPage: '>'
PageL: 'Page '
PageR: ' '
Input: Please Type Below
InputBox: Text here...
NotAvailable: CUI TextInput functionality is not available on non-Paper servers, please use commands to perform operations.
SuggestCommand: 'Suggestion: %s'
LeftRightClick: 'L-Click: Confirm, R-Click: Cancel'
NoSpace: No spaces allowed.
Connecting: Connecting to %s database...
UnsupportedType: 'Unsupported database type: '
ConnectionFailed: 'Database connection failed: '
ConnectionSuccess: Database connection successful!
Reconnecting: Trying to reconnect to the database...
ReconnectionSuccess: Database reconnection successful!
ReconnectionFailed: Database reconnection failed!
ReconnectionUnexpected: Database connection unexpectedly closed, trying to reconnect...
OperationAbort: Operation aborted!
OperationFailed: 'Database operation failed: '
Closing: Closing database connection...
Closed: Database connection closed.
CloseFailed: 'Failed to close database connection: '
CheckColumnFailed: Failed to check if column exists.
CheckTableFailed: Failed to check if table exists.