优化 en-us 语言文件除 Messages Config Flags 段落外的所有翻译。

This commit is contained in:
ZhangYuheng 2024-09-25 11:42:46 +08:00
parent 1b2e193280
commit ab838c5596
6 changed files with 238 additions and 342 deletions

View File

@ -149,31 +149,6 @@ public class Translation extends Localization {
@i18nField(defaultValue = "配置文件已重新加载")
public static i18n Commands_Operator_ReloadedConfig;
@i18nField(defaultValue = "最高Y坐标限制不能小于最低Y坐标限制")
public static i18n Commands_SetConfig_MinYShouldBeLessThanMaxY;
@i18nField(defaultValue = "最低Y坐标限制不能大于最高Y坐标限制")
public static i18n Commands_SetConfig_MaxYShouldBeGreaterThanMinY;
@i18nField(defaultValue = "X轴(东西)最大尺寸不能小于4")
public static i18n Commands_SetConfig_SizeXShouldBeGreaterThan4;
@i18nField(defaultValue = "Z轴(南北)最大尺寸不能小于4")
public static i18n Commands_SetConfig_SizeZShouldBeGreaterThan4;
@i18nField(defaultValue = "Y轴(垂直)最大尺寸不能小于4")
public static i18n Commands_SetConfig_SizeYShouldBeGreaterThan4;
@i18nField(defaultValue = "每个玩家领地数量限制不能小于0")
public static i18n Commands_SetConfig_AmountShouldBeGreaterThan0;
@i18nField(defaultValue = "领地深度限制不能小于0")
public static i18n Commands_SetConfig_DepthShouldBeGreaterThan0;
@i18nField(defaultValue = "传送延迟不能小于0")
public static i18n Commands_SetConfig_TpDelayShouldBeGreaterThan0;
@i18nField(defaultValue = "传送冷却时间不能小于0")
public static i18n Commands_SetConfig_TpCoolDownShouldBeGreaterThan0;
@i18nField(defaultValue = "每方块单价不能小于0")
public static i18n Commands_SetConfig_PriceShouldBeGreaterThan0;
@i18nField(defaultValue = "领地退款比例不能小于0")
public static i18n Commands_SetConfig_RefundShouldBeGreaterThan0;
@i18nField(defaultValue = "出生点保护半径不能小于或等于0")
public static i18n Commands_SetConfig_SpawnProtectRadiusShouldBeGreaterThan0;
@i18nField(defaultValue = "用法: /dominion template create <模板名称>")
public static i18n Commands_Template_CreateTemplateUsage;
@i18nField(defaultValue = "用法: /dominion template delete <模板名称>")
@ -597,10 +572,6 @@ public class Translation extends Localization {
public static i18n TUI_Menu_AllDominionButton;
@i18nField(defaultValue = "查看所有领地")
public static i18n TUI_Menu_AllDominionDescription;
@i18nField(defaultValue = "系统配置")
public static i18n TUI_Menu_ConfigButton;
@i18nField(defaultValue = "查看/修改系统配置")
public static i18n TUI_Menu_ConfigDescription;
@i18nField(defaultValue = "重载缓存")
public static i18n TUI_Menu_ReloadCacheButton;
@i18nField(defaultValue = "手动刷新缓存可解决一些玩家操作无效问题,不建议频繁操作")

View File

@ -4,105 +4,92 @@
# Translated by: YOUR_NAME_HERE
SetFlagUsage: 'Usage: /dominion set <flag_name> <true/false> [dominion_name]'
CreateDominionUsage: 'Usage: /dominion create <territory_name>'
CreateSelectPointsFirst: Please first use the tool to select the diagonal points of the territory, or use /dominion auto_create <territory_name> to create an automatic territory
CreateSubDominionUsage: 'Usage: /dominion create_sub <sub_territory_name> [parent_territory_name]'
CreateSubSelectPointsFirst: Please first use the tool to select the diagonal points of the sub-territory, or use /dominion auto_create_sub <sub_territory_name> [parent_territory_name] to create an automatic sub-territory
AutoCreateDominionUsage: 'Usage: /dominion auto_create <territory_name>'
AutoCreateSubDominionUsage: 'Usage: /dominion auto_create_sub <sub_territory_name> [parent_territory_name]'
AutoCreateDominionDisabled: Automatic dominion creation function has been disabled
ExpandDominionUsage: 'Usage: /dominion expand [size] [dominion_name]'
ContractDominionUsage: 'Usage: /dominion contract [size] [dominion_name]'
SizeShouldBeInteger: Size should be an integer
SizeShouldBePositive: Size should be greater than 0
DeleteDominionUsage: 'Usage: /dominion delete <territory_name>'
SetEnterMessageUsage: 'Usage: /dominion set_enter_msg <prompt> [territory_name]'
SetLeaveMessageUsage: 'Usage: /dominion set_leave_msg <prompt> [territory_name]'
SetTpLocationUsage: 'Usage: /dominion set_tp_location [dominion_name]'
RenameDominionUsage: 'Usage: /dominion rename <original_territory_name> <new_territory_name>'
GiveDominionUsage: 'Usage: /dominion give <territory_name> <player_name>'
TpDominionUsage: 'Usage: /dominion tp <territory_name>'
DominionNotExist: Dominion does not exist
SetMapColorUsage: 'Usage: /dominion set_map_color <color> [territory_name]'
SetFlagUsage: 'Usage: /dominion set <flag_name> <true/false> [dominion name]'
CreateDominionUsage: 'Usage: /dominion create <dominion name>'
CreateSelectPointsFirst: Please first use the tool to select the points, or use /dominion auto_create <dominion name> to create dominion automatically.
CreateSubDominionUsage: 'Usage: /dominion create_sub <sub name> [parent name]'
CreateSubSelectPointsFirst: Please first use the tool to select the points, or use /dominion auto_create_sub <sub name> [parent name] to create sub-dominion automatically.
AutoCreateDominionUsage: 'Usage: /dominion auto_create <dominion name>'
AutoCreateSubDominionUsage: 'Usage: /dominion auto_create_sub <sub name> [parent name]'
AutoCreateDominionDisabled: Automatic creation function has been disabled by operator.
ExpandDominionUsage: 'Usage: /dominion expand [size] [dominion name]'
ContractDominionUsage: 'Usage: /dominion contract [size] [dominion name]'
SizeShouldBeInteger: Size should be an integer.
SizeShouldBePositive: Size should be greater than 0.
DeleteDominionUsage: 'Usage: /dominion delete <dominion name>'
SetEnterMessageUsage: 'Usage: /dominion set_enter_msg <msg> [dominion name]'
SetLeaveMessageUsage: 'Usage: /dominion set_leave_msg <msg> [dominion name]'
SetTpLocationUsage: 'Usage: /dominion set_tp_location [dominion name]'
RenameDominionUsage: 'Usage: /dominion rename <old name> <new name>'
GiveDominionUsage: 'Usage: /dominion give <dominion name> <player name>'
TpDominionUsage: 'Usage: /dominion tp <dominion name>'
DominionNotExist: Dominion does not exist.
SetMapColorUsage: 'Usage: /dominion set_map_color <hex color> [dominion name]'
CreateGroupUsage: 'Usage: /dominion group create <territory_name> <permission_group_name>'
DeleteGroupUsage: 'Usage: /dominion group delete <territory_name> <permission_group_name>'
RenameGroupUsage: 'Usage: /dominion group rename <territory_name> <old_permission_group_name> <new_name>'
SetGroupFlagUsage: 'Usage: /dominion group set_flag <territory_name> <permission_group_name> <permission_name> <true|false>'
AddGroupMemberUsage: 'Usage: /dominion group add_member <territory_name> <permission_group_name> <player_name>'
RemoveGroupMemberUsage: 'Usage: /dominion group remove_member <territory_name> <permission_group_name> <player_name>'
CreateGroupUsage: 'Usage: /dominion group create <dominion name> <group name>'
DeleteGroupUsage: 'Usage: /dominion group delete <dominion name> <group name>'
RenameGroupUsage: 'Usage: /dominion group rename <dominion name> <old name> <new name>'
SetGroupFlagUsage: 'Usage: /dominion group set_flag <dominion name> <group name> <flag name> <true|false>'
AddGroupMemberUsage: 'Usage: /dominion group add_member <dominion name> <group name> <player name>'
RemoveGroupMemberUsage: 'Usage: /dominion group remove_member <dominion name> <group name> <player name>'
GroupUsage: 'Usage: /dominion group <create|delete|rename|set_flag|add_member|remove_member|select_member|setting|list>'
NewGroupName: New group name
DominionAddMemberUsage: 'Usage: /dominion member add <territory_name> <player_name>'
DominionSetFlagUsage: 'Usage: /dominion member set_flag <territory_name> <player_name> <permission_name> <true/false>'
DominionRemoveMemberUsage: 'Usage: /dominion member remove <territory_name> <player_name>'
DominionApplyTemplateUsage: 'Usage: /dominion member apply_template <territory_name> <player_name> <template_name>'
DominionAddMemberUsage: 'Usage: /dominion member add <dominion name> <player name>'
DominionSetFlagUsage: 'Usage: /dominion member set_flag <dominion name> <player name> <flag name> <true/false>'
DominionRemoveMemberUsage: 'Usage: /dominion member remove <dominion name> <player name>'
DominionApplyTemplateUsage: 'Usage: /dominion member apply_template <dominion name> <player name> <template name>'
MemberUsage: 'Usage: /dominion member <add/set_flag/remove/apply_template/list/setting/select_player/select_template>'
PageOptional: Page number (optional)
ArgumentsNotEnough: Insufficient parameters
UnknownArgument: Unknown argument
PageOptional: Page (optional)
ArgumentsNotEnough: Insufficient parameters.
UnknownArgument: Unknown argument.
SizeInteger: Size (integer)
DominionName: Dominion name
SubDominionName: Sub-dominion name
EnterMessageContent: Enter message content
LeaveMessageContent: Leave message content
InputColor: Input color (hexadecimal)
NewDominionName: New dominion name
DominionName: Dominion Name
SubDominionName: Sub-dominion Name
EnterMessageContent: Enter Message
LeaveMessageContent: Leave Message
InputColor: Color (HEX)
NewDominionName: New Dominion Name
MigrationDisabled: Residence migration feature is not enabled
MigrateUsage: 'Usage: /dominion migrate <res_dominion_name>'
NoMigrationData: You have no data to migrate
NoResidenceDominion: Specified Residence dominion not found
ResidenceNotOwner: You are not the owner of this dominion, cannot migrate it
MigrateFailed: 'Migration failed: %s'
MigrateSuccess: Dominion %s has been migrated from Residence to Dominion
MigrationDisabled: Migration from residence has been disabled by operator.
MigrateUsage: 'Usage: /dominion migrate <res territory name>'
NoMigrationData: You have no data to migrate.
NoResidenceDominion: Specified res territory not found.
ResidenceNotOwner: You are not the owner of this res territory, cannot migrate it.
MigrateFailed: 'Migration failed: %s.'
MigrateSuccess: Territory %s has been migrated from Residence to Dominion.
ReloadingDominionCache: Reloading dominion cache from the database...
ReloadedDominionCache: Dominion cache has been reloaded
ReloadingPrivilegeCache: Reloading player privilege cache from the database...
ReloadedPrivilegeCache: Player privilege cache has been reloaded
ReloadingDominionCache: Reloading cache from the database...
ReloadedDominionCache: Cache has been reloaded.
ReloadingPrivilegeCache: Reloading player permission cache from the database...
ReloadedPrivilegeCache: Player permission cache has been reloaded.
ReloadingGroupCache: Reloading group cache from the database...
ReloadedGroupCache: Group cache has been reloaded
ExportingMCAList: Exporting the list of MCA files for owned territories...
CreateExportFolderFailed: Failed to create export folder
ReloadedGroupCache: Group cache has been reloaded.
ExportingMCAList: Exporting the list of MCA files containing dominions...
CreateExportFolderFailed: Failed to create export folder.
ExportingMCAListForWorld: Exporting the list of MCA files for %s...
DeleteMCAListFailed: Failed to delete the MCA file list for %s
CreateMCAListFailed: Failed to create the MCA file list for %s
WriteMCAListFailed: Failed to write to %s
ExportMCAListFailed: Failed to export the MCA file list for %s
ExportedMCAList: MCA file list has been exported to %s
DeleteMCAListFailed: Failed to delete the MCA file list for %s.
CreateMCAListFailed: Failed to create the MCA file list for %s.
WriteMCAListFailed: Failed to write to %s.
ExportMCAListFailed: Failed to export the MCA file list for %s.
ExportedMCAList: MCA file list has been exported to %s.
ReloadingConfig: Reloading configuration file...
ReloadedConfig: Configuration file has been reloaded
MinYShouldBeLessThanMaxY: The maximum Y coordinate limit cannot be less than the minimum Y coordinate limit
MaxYShouldBeGreaterThanMinY: The minimum Y coordinate limit cannot be greater than the maximum Y coordinate limit
SizeXShouldBeGreaterThan4: The maximum size on the X axis (East-West) cannot be less than 4
SizeZShouldBeGreaterThan4: The maximum size on the Z axis (North-South) cannot be less than 4
SizeYShouldBeGreaterThan4: The maximum size on the Y axis (Vertical) cannot be less than 4
AmountShouldBeGreaterThan0: The limit of the number of dominions per player cannot be less than 0
DepthShouldBeGreaterThan0: The depth limit of the dominion cannot be less than 0
TpDelayShouldBeGreaterThan0: Teleport delay cannot be less than 0
TpCoolDownShouldBeGreaterThan0: Teleport cooldown cannot be less than 0
PriceShouldBeGreaterThan0: The price per block cannot be less than 0
RefundShouldBeGreaterThan0: The refund ratio for the dominion cannot be less than 0
SpawnProtectRadiusShouldBeGreaterThan0: Spawn protection radius cannot be less than or equal to 0
ReloadedConfig: Configuration file has been reloaded.
CreateTemplateUsage: 'Usage: /dominion template create <template_name>'
DeleteTemplateUsage: 'Usage: /dominion template delete <template_name>'
SetTemplateFlagUsage: 'Usage: /dominion template set_flag <template_name> <permission_name> <true/false>'
CreateTemplateUsage: 'Usage: /dominion template create <template name>'
DeleteTemplateUsage: 'Usage: /dominion template delete <template name>'
SetTemplateFlagUsage: 'Usage: /dominion template set_flag <template name> <flag name> <true/false>'
TemplateUsage: 'Usage: /dominion template <list|setting|delete|create|set_flag>'
NewTemplateName: New template name
UseTitleUsage: 'Usage: /dominion use_title <permission_group_id>'
RemoveTitleSuccess: Successfully removed group title
GroupNotExist: Group does not exist
GroupDominionNotExist: Group %s does not belong to any dominion
NotDominionMember: You are not a member of dominion %s and cannot use its title
NotGroupMember: You are not a member of group %s and cannot use its title
UseTitleSuccess: Successfully used group %s title
UseTitleFailed: 'Using title failed: %s'
UseTitleUsage: 'Usage: /dominion use_title <group id>'
RemoveTitleSuccess: Successfully removed title.
GroupNotExist: Group does not exist.
GroupDominionNotExist: Group %s does not belong to any dominion.
NotDominionMember: You are not a member of dominion %s and cannot use its title.
NotGroupMember: You are not a member of group %s and cannot use its title.
UseTitleSuccess: Successfully used group title %s.
UseTitleFailed: 'Using title failed: %s.'
OpBypassTpLimit: You are OP, you will bypass territory teleportation limits
WorldNotExist: The world where the dominion is located does not exist
@ -256,174 +243,172 @@ Messages:
AutoCleanEnd: Automatic cleanup completed
MapInfoDetail: '<div>%s</div><div>Everyone: %s</div>'
NotDominionOwnerOrAdminForPage: You are not the owner or admin of territory %s and have no access to this page
NotDominionOwnerOrAdminForPage: You are not the owner or admin of %s and have no access to this page
Title: Territory plugin command help
SubTitle: <> indicates required parameters and [] indicates optional parameters
Title: Commands Help List
SubTitle: <> is necessary, [] is optional
Menu: Main Menu
DominionList: My Territories
Manage: Management Interface
EnvSetting: Environmental Settings
GuestSetting: Guest Permissions
MemberList: Member List
MemberSetting: Member Permissions
GroupList: Permission Group List
GroupSetting: Permission Group Management
AllDominion: All Territories
TemplateList: Template List
TemplateSetting: Template Management
MigrateList: Res Data List
TitleList: Permission Group Title List
ManageButton: Manage
DeleteButton: Delete
SearchButton: Search
BackButton: Return
SelectButton: Select
EditButton: Edit
Menu: MAIN
DominionList: DOMS
Manage: MANAGE
EnvSetting: ENV
GuestSetting: GUEST
MemberList: MEMBERS
MemberSetting: MEMBER
GroupList: GROUPS
GroupSetting: GROUP
AllDominion: ALL_DOMS
TemplateList: TEMPLATES
TemplateSetting: TEMPLATE
MigrateList: RES_DATA
TitleList: TITLES
ManageButton: MANAGE
DeleteButton: DELETE
SearchButton: SEARCH
BackButton: BACK
SelectButton: SELECT
EditButton: EDIT
Title: Dominion Territory System
CreateDominionButton: Create Territory
CreateDominionDescription: Automatically create a new territory centered on you
MyDominionButton: My Territories
MyDominionDescription: View my territory list
TitleListButton: Title List
TitleListDescription: View/use permission group titles
TemplateListButton: Template List
TemplateListDescription: Member Permission Template List
CommandHelpButton: Command Help
CommandHelpDescription: View command list
DocumentButton: Usage Documentation
DocumentDescription: Open usage documentation in the browser
MigrateButton: Migrate Data
MigrateDescription: Migrate your territory from Residence to Dominion
AllDominionButton: All Territories
AllDominionDescription: View all territories
ConfigButton: System Configuration
ConfigDescription: View/modify system configuration
ReloadCacheButton: Reload Cache
ReloadCacheDescription: Manually refreshing the cache can solve some player operation issues. Frequent operation is not recommended
ReloadConfigButton: Reload Configuration
ReloadConfigDescription: Reload configuration file
OpOnlySection: '--- The following options are visible only to OP ---'
Title: Dominion Main Menu
CreateDominionButton: CREATE
CreateDominionDescription: Create a dominion automatically around you.
MyDominionButton: DOMINIONS
MyDominionDescription: List all your dominions.
TitleListButton: TITLES
TitleListDescription: List/Use group titles.
TemplateListButton: TEMPLATES
TemplateListDescription: Permission template list.
CommandHelpButton: HELP
CommandHelpDescription: View command list.
DocumentButton: DOCS
DocumentDescription: Open usage documentation in the browser.
MigrateButton: MIGRATE
MigrateDescription: Migrate your territories from Residence.
AllDominionButton: ALL_DOMS
AllDominionDescription: List all dominions of server.
ReloadCacheButton: RELOAD_CACHE
ReloadCacheDescription: Could solve some weird problem. DONT DO THIS FREQUENTLY!
ReloadConfigButton: RELOAD_CONF
ReloadConfigDescription: Reload configuration file from disk.
OpOnlySection: '--- FOLLOWING VISIBLE OP ONLY ---'
Title: My Territory List
AdminSection: '--- The following are the territories where you have admin privileges ---'
Title: My Dominion List
AdminSection: '--- YOU ARE ADMIN OF FOLLOWING ---'
Title: Management Interface for Territory %s
InfoButton: Detailed Information
InfoDescription: View detailed information of the territory
EnvSettingButton: Environmental Settings
EnvSettingDescription: Set some environmental behaviors within the territory
GuestSettingButton: Guest Permissions
GuestSettingDescription: Configure guest permissions in this territory
MemberListButton: Member Management
MemberListDescription: Manage the permissions of members of this territory
GroupListButton: Permission Groups
GroupListDescription: Manage the permission groups of this territory
SetTpLocationButton: Set Teleport Points
SetTpLocationDescription: Set your current location as the teleport point for this territory
RenameButton: Rename
RenameDescription: Rename the territory
EditJoinMessageButton: Edit Welcome Message
EditJoinMessageDescription: Message displayed when a player enters the territory
EditLeaveMessageButton: Edit Leave Message
EditLeaveMessageDescription: Message displayed when a player leaves the territory
SetMapColorButton: Set Land Color
SetMapColorDescription: Set the land color on the satellite map
Title: '%s Management'
InfoButton: DETAILS
InfoDescription: View details of this dominion.
EnvSettingButton: ENV_SETTING
EnvSettingDescription: Set some environmental behaviors.
GuestSettingButton: GUEST_SETTING
GuestSettingDescription: Configure guest permissions.
MemberListButton: MEMBERS
MemberListDescription: Manage the permissions of members.
GroupListButton: GROUPS
GroupListDescription: Manage the permission groups.
SetTpLocationButton: SET_TP_LOC
SetTpLocationDescription: Set the teleport point.
RenameButton: RENAME
RenameDescription: Rename the dominion.
EditJoinMessageButton: EDIT_ENTER_MSG
EditJoinMessageDescription: Message displayed when enter.
EditLeaveMessageButton: EDIT_LEAVE_MSG
EditLeaveMessageDescription: Message displayed when leave.
SetMapColorButton: COLOR
SetMapColorDescription: Color will be shown on web map.
NotInDominion: You are not in any dominion, please specify the dominion name /dominion manage <dominion name>
Title: Environmental Settings for Territory %s
Usage: 'Usage: /dominion env_setting <dominion name> [page number]'
Title: '%s Environmental Settings'
Usage: 'Usage: /dominion env_setting <dominion name> [page]'
Title: Guest Permissions for Territory %s
Usage: 'Usage: /dominion guest_setting <dominion name> [page number]'
Title: '%s Guest Settings'
Usage: 'Usage: /dominion guest_setting <dominion name> [page]'
Title: Size Information for Territory %s
Owner: 'Territory Owner:'
Size: 'Territory Size:'
Title: '%s Size Information'
Owner: 'Owner:'
Size: 'Size:'
Center: 'Center Coordinates:'
Vertical: 'Vertical Height:'
VertY: 'Y-axis Coordinates:'
Square: 'Horizontal Area:'
Volume: 'Territory Volume:'
TpLocation: 'Teleport Point Coordinates:'
NoneTp: None
Square: 'Square:'
Volume: 'Volume:'
TpLocation: 'Teleport Coordinates:'
NoneTp: None Tp Info
Usage: You are not in any dominion, please specify the dominion name /dominion info <dominion name>
Title: Member List for Territory %s
AddButton: Add Member
FlagButton: Permissions
FlagDescription: Configure Member Permissions
RemoveButton: Remove
RemoveDescription: Remove this member (turn to guest)
NoPermissionSet: You are not the territory owner and cannot edit admin permissions
NoPermissionRemove: You are not the territory owner and cannot remove the admin
BelongToGroup: This member belongs to permission group %s and cannot edit permissions separately
Usage: 'Usage: /dominion member list <dominion name> [page number]'
AdminTag: This member is an admin
NormalTag: This is a regular member
BlacklistTag: This is a blacklist member
GroupTag: This member is in a permission group
Title: '%s Member List'
FlagButton: PERMS
FlagDescription: Configure member permissions.
RemoveButton: REMOVE
RemoveDescription: Remove this member (to guest).
NoPermissionSet: Only owner can set admin permissions.
NoPermissionRemove: Only owner can remove admin permissions.
BelongToGroup: This member belongs to group %s and cannot set permissions separately.
Usage: 'Usage: /dominion member list <dominion name> [page]'
AdminTag: This member is an ADMIN.
NormalTag: This is a regular MEMBER.
BlacklistTag: This is a BLACKLIST member.
GroupTag: This member is in a GROUP.
Title: Permission Settings for Player %s in Territory %s
ApplyTemplateButton: Apply Template
ApplyTemplateDescription: Choose a permission template to apply
Usage: 'Usage: /dominion member setting <dominion name> <player name> [page number]'
Title: '%s Permission in %s'
ApplyTemplateButton: APPLY_TEMPLATE
ApplyTemplateDescription: Choose a template to apply.
Usage: 'Usage: /dominion member setting <dominion name> <player name> [page]'
Title: Select Player to Add as Member
Description: You can only select players who have logged in
Usage: 'Usage: /dominion member select_player <dominion name> [page number]'
Description: You can only select players who have logged before.
Usage: 'Usage: /dominion member select_player <dominion name> [page]'
Title: Select a Template
Description: Apply to member %s in territory %s
Usage: 'Usage: /dominion member select_template <dominion name> <player name> [page number]'
Description: Apply to %s in %s.
Usage: 'Usage: /dominion member select_template <dominion name> <player name> [page]'
Title: Permission Group List for Territory %s
CreateButton: Create Permission Group
CreateDescription: Create a new permission group
DeleteDescription: Delete permission group %s
EditDescription: Edit permission group %s
AddMemberDescription: Add member to permission group %s
RemoveMemberDescription: Remove %s from permission group %s
Usage: 'Usage: /dominion group list <dominion name> [page number]'
Title: '%s Group List'
CreateButton: CREATE_GROUP
CreateDescription: Create a new group.
DeleteDescription: Delete group %s.
EditDescription: Edit group %s.
AddMemberDescription: Add member to group %s.
RemoveMemberDescription: Remove %s from group %s.
Usage: 'Usage: /dominion group list <dominion name> [page]'
RenameButton: Rename this permission group
Usage: 'Usage: /dominion group setting <dominion name> <permission group name> [page number]'
TitleL: 'Permission Group '
RenameButton: RENAME_GROUP
Usage: 'Usage: /dominion group setting <dominion name> <group name> [page]'
TitleL: 'Group '
TitleR: ' Management'
RenameDescription: Rename permission group %s
RenameDescription: Rename group %s.
Title: Select Member
Description: Select members to add to permission group %s
Usage: 'Usage: /dominion group select_member <dominion name> <permission group name> [echo page number] [page number]'
Description: Select a member to add to group %s.
Usage: 'Usage: /dominion group select_member <dominion name> <group name> [cb page] [page]'
Title: Member Permission Template List
CreateButton: Create Member Permission Template
CreateDescription: Create a new member permission template
Title: Permission Template List
CreateDescription: Create a new permission template.
Title: Manage Permissions for Template %s
Title: Template %s Management
Title: Migrate Data from Residence
NoData: You do not have any data to migrate
Button: Migrate
SubDominion: Sub-territories cannot be migrated manually; they will migrate automatically with the parent territory
Title: Migration from Residence
NoData: You do not have any data to migrate.
SubDominion: Sub-territories cannot be migrated manually, they will migrate automatically with the parent territory.
Title: Permission Group Titles I Can Use
RemoveButton: Remove
ApplyButton: Use
FromDominion: 'From Territory:'
Title: My Group Titles
RemoveButton: UNSET
ApplyButton: USE
FromDominion: 'From Dominion:'
CreateDominion: Enter the name of the territory to create
CreateGroup: Enter the name of the permission group to create
CreateTemplate: Enter the name of the template to create
EditEnterMessage: Edit the territory entry message content
EditLeaveMessage: Edit the territory exit message content
AddMember: Enter player name to add as a member
RenameDominion: Rename Territory
RenameGroup: Rename Permission Group
SetMapColor: Enter the hex color for the satellite map plots
CreateDominion: Type New Dominion Name
CreateGroup: Type New Group Name
CreateTemplate: Type New Template Name
EditEnterMessage: Edit Enter Message
EditLeaveMessage: Edit Leave Message
AddMember: Type Player Name to Add Member
RenameDominion: Rename Dominion
RenameGroup: Rename Group
SetMapColor: Type HEX Color
AutoCreateRadiusError: AutoCreateRadius cannot be 0, reset to 10
@ -701,41 +686,41 @@ Utils:
DownloadPage: 'Download page: %s'
CurrentVersion: 'You are currently on the latest version: %s'
GetUpdateFailed: 'Failed to get updates: %s'
NewVersionConsole: 'New version found: %s Check the console for details or click the link below'
VaultNotAvailable: Vault not available
VaultUnlockedNotAvailable: VaultUnlocked not available
NoEconomyPlugin: No available economy plugin
NewVersionConsole: 'New version found: %s . Check the console for details or click the link below'
VaultNotAvailable: Vault not available.
VaultUnlockedNotAvailable: VaultUnlocked not available.
NoEconomyPlugin: No available economy plugin.
Navigation: Navigation
Navigation: NAV
NoContent: Uh oh, theres no content here
PageError: Page error
Add: Add
Sub: Subtract
PreviousPage: Previous page
NextPage: Next page
Add: ADD
Sub: SUB
PreviousPage: '<'
NextPage: '>'
PageL: 'Page '
PageR: ' pages '
PageR: ' '
Input: Please enter
InputBox: Input box
NotAvailable: CUI TextInput functionality is not available on non-Paper servers, please use commands to perform corresponding operations.
SuggestCommand: 'Suggested command: %s'
LeftRightClick: Left-click to confirm | Right-click to cancel
NoSpace: Input cannot contain spaces
Input: Please Type Below
InputBox: Text here...
NotAvailable: CUI TextInput functionality is not available on non-Paper servers, please use commands to perform operations.
SuggestCommand: 'Suggestion: %s'
LeftRightClick: 'L-Click: Confirm, R-Click: Cancel'
NoSpace: No spaces allowed.
Connecting: Connecting to %s database
Connecting: Connecting to %s database...
UnsupportedType: 'Unsupported database type: '
ConnectionFailed: 'Database connection failed: '
ConnectionSuccess: Database connection successful
Reconnecting: Trying to reconnect to the database
ReconnectionSuccess: Database reconnection successful
ReconnectionFailed: Database reconnection failed
ErrorTitle: '=== Critical error ==='
ReconnectionUnexpected: Database connection unexpectedly closed, trying to reconnect
OperationAbort: Operation aborted
ConnectionSuccess: Database connection successful!
Reconnecting: Trying to reconnect to the database...
ReconnectionSuccess: Database reconnection successful!
ReconnectionFailed: Database reconnection failed!
ReconnectionUnexpected: Database connection unexpectedly closed, trying to reconnect...
OperationAbort: Operation aborted!
OperationFailed: 'Database operation failed: '
Closing: Closing database connection
Closed: Database connection closed
Closing: Closing database connection...
Closed: Database connection closed.
CloseFailed: 'Failed to close database connection: '
CheckColumnFailed: Failed to check if column exists
CheckTableFailed: Failed to check if table exists
CheckColumnFailed: Failed to check if column exists.
CheckTableFailed: Failed to check if table exists.

View File

@ -75,19 +75,6 @@ Commands:
ExportedMCAList: '%s に MCA ファイルのリストがエクスポートされました'
ReloadingConfig: 設定ファイルを再読み込みしています...
ReloadedConfig: 設定ファイルが再読み込みされました
MinYShouldBeLessThanMaxY: 最高Y座標制限は最低Y座標制限より小さくすることはできません
MaxYShouldBeGreaterThanMinY: 最低Y座標制限は最高Y座標制限より大きくすることはできません
SizeXShouldBeGreaterThan4: X軸東西の最大サイズは4未満にできません
SizeZShouldBeGreaterThan4: Z軸南北の最大サイズは4未満にできません
SizeYShouldBeGreaterThan4: Y軸垂直の最大サイズは4未満にできません
AmountShouldBeGreaterThan0: 各プレイヤーの領地数制限は0未満にすることはできません
DepthShouldBeGreaterThan0: 領地の深さ制限は0未満にすることはできません
TpDelayShouldBeGreaterThan0: テレポート遅延は0未満にすることはできません
TpCoolDownShouldBeGreaterThan0: テレポートクールダウンは0未満にすることはできません
PriceShouldBeGreaterThan0: 各ブロック単価は0未満にすることはできません
RefundShouldBeGreaterThan0: 領地の返金率は0未満にすることはできません
SpawnProtectRadiusShouldBeGreaterThan0: スポーンポイント保護半径は0以下にはできません
CreateTemplateUsage: '使い方: /dominion template create <テンプレート名>'
DeleteTemplateUsage: '使い方: /dominion template delete <テンプレート名>'
@ -299,8 +286,6 @@ TUI:
MigrateDescription: あなたの領地をResidenceからDominionに移行します
AllDominionButton: すべての領地
AllDominionDescription: すべての領地を表示
ConfigButton: システム設定
ConfigDescription: システム設定を表示/変更
ReloadCacheButton: キャッシュをリロード
ReloadCacheDescription: 手動でキャッシュをリロードすると、一部のプレイヤー操作が無効になる問題を解決できます。ただし頻繁に行うことは推奨されません
ReloadConfigButton: 設定をリロード

View File

@ -76,19 +76,6 @@ Commands:
ExportedMCAList: MCA文件名录已导出至 %s
ReloadingConfig: 正重新加载配置文件……
ReloadedConfig: 配置文件已重新加载
MinYShouldBeLessThanMaxY: 最高Y坐标之限不得小于最低Y坐标之限
MaxYShouldBeGreaterThanMinY: 最低Y坐标之限不得大于最高Y坐标之限
SizeXShouldBeGreaterThan4: X轴东西向之最大尺寸不得小于四
SizeZShouldBeGreaterThan4: Z轴南北向之最大尺寸不得小于四
SizeYShouldBeGreaterThan4: Y轴垂直向之最大尺寸不得小于四
AmountShouldBeGreaterThan0: 每玩家领地数量之限,不得小于零
DepthShouldBeGreaterThan0: 领地深度之限,不得小于零
TpDelayShouldBeGreaterThan0: 传送延迟之时,不得小于零
TpCoolDownShouldBeGreaterThan0: 传送冷却之时,不得小于零
PriceShouldBeGreaterThan0: 每方块单价,不得小于零
RefundShouldBeGreaterThan0: 领地退款之比例,不得小于零
SpawnProtectRadiusShouldBeGreaterThan0: 出生点保护之半径,不得小于或等于零
CreateTemplateUsage: '用法: /dominion template create <模板名称>'
DeleteTemplateUsage: '用法: /dominion template delete <模板名称>'
@ -298,10 +285,8 @@ TUI:
DocumentDescription: 于浏览器中开使用之文档
MigrateButton: 迁移数据
MigrateDescription: 迁汝之领地从Residence至Dominion
AllDominionButton: 所有领地
AllDominionDescription: 览所有之领地
ConfigButton: 系统配置
ConfigDescription: 览/改系统之配置
AllDominionButton: 所有领地
AllDominionDescription: 览所有之领地
ReloadCacheButton: 重载缓存
ReloadCacheDescription: 手刷缓存可解一些玩家操作之无效问题,不建议频操
ReloadConfigButton: 重载配置

View File

@ -73,19 +73,6 @@ Commands:
ExportedMCAList: MCA文件列表已导出到 %s
ReloadingConfig: 正在重新加载配置文件...
ReloadedConfig: 配置文件已重新加载
MinYShouldBeLessThanMaxY: 最高Y坐标限制不能小于最低Y坐标限制
MaxYShouldBeGreaterThanMinY: 最低Y坐标限制不能大于最高Y坐标限制
SizeXShouldBeGreaterThan4: X轴(东西)最大尺寸不能小于4
SizeZShouldBeGreaterThan4: Z轴(南北)最大尺寸不能小于4
SizeYShouldBeGreaterThan4: Y轴(垂直)最大尺寸不能小于4
AmountShouldBeGreaterThan0: 每个玩家领地数量限制不能小于0
DepthShouldBeGreaterThan0: 领地深度限制不能小于0
TpDelayShouldBeGreaterThan0: 传送延迟不能小于0
TpCoolDownShouldBeGreaterThan0: 传送冷却时间不能小于0
PriceShouldBeGreaterThan0: 每方块单价不能小于0
RefundShouldBeGreaterThan0: 领地退款比例不能小于0
SpawnProtectRadiusShouldBeGreaterThan0: 出生点保护半径不能小于或等于0
CreateTemplateUsage: '用法: /dominion template create <模板名称>'
DeleteTemplateUsage: '用法: /dominion template delete <模板名称>'
@ -297,8 +284,6 @@ TUI:
MigrateDescription: 把你的领地从Residence迁移到Dominion
AllDominionButton: 所有领地
AllDominionDescription: 查看所有领地
ConfigButton: 系统配置
ConfigDescription: 查看/修改系统配置
ReloadCacheButton: 重载缓存
ReloadCacheDescription: 手动刷新缓存可解决一些玩家操作无效问题,不建议频繁操作
ReloadConfigButton: 重载配置

View File

@ -75,19 +75,6 @@ Commands:
ExportedMCAList: MCA文件列表已導出到 %s
ReloadingConfig: 正在重新加載配置文件...
ReloadedConfig: 配置文件已重新加載
MinYShouldBeLessThanMaxY: 最高Y坐標限製不能小於最低Y坐標限製
MaxYShouldBeGreaterThanMinY: 最低Y坐標限製不能大於最高Y坐標限製
SizeXShouldBeGreaterThan4: X軸(東西)最大尺寸不能小於4
SizeZShouldBeGreaterThan4: Z軸(南北)最大尺寸不能小於4
SizeYShouldBeGreaterThan4: Y軸(垂直)最大尺寸不能小於4
AmountShouldBeGreaterThan0: 每個玩家領地數量限製不能小於0
DepthShouldBeGreaterThan0: 領地深度限製不能小於0
TpDelayShouldBeGreaterThan0: 傳送延遲不能小於0
TpCoolDownShouldBeGreaterThan0: 傳送冷卻時間不能小於0
PriceShouldBeGreaterThan0: 每方塊單價不能小於0
RefundShouldBeGreaterThan0: 領地退款比例不能小於0
SpawnProtectRadiusShouldBeGreaterThan0: 出生點保護半徑不能小於或等於0
CreateTemplateUsage: '用法: /dominion template create <模板名稱>'
DeleteTemplateUsage: '用法: /dominion template delete <模板名稱>'
@ -299,8 +286,6 @@ TUI:
MigrateDescription: 把你的領地從Residence遷移到Dominion
AllDominionButton: 所有領地
AllDominionDescription: 查看所有領地
ConfigButton: 系統配置
ConfigDescription: 查看/修改系統配置
ReloadCacheButton: 重載緩存
ReloadCacheDescription: 手動刷新緩存可解決一些玩家操作無效問題,不建議頻繁操作
ReloadConfigButton: 重載配置