2021-07-16 05:12:03 +08:00

2021-07-17 02:13:54 +08:00
2021-07-17 06:38:55 +08:00
2021-07-17 06:57:00 +08:00
2021-07-16 05:12:03 +08:00
2021-07-16 05:43:57 +08:00
2021-06-04 08:10:55 +08:00
2017-08-22 05:59:13 +08:00
CoreProtect is a blazing fast data logging and anti-griefing tool for Minecraft servers.
2019-01-31 09:49:41 +08:00
2023-08-01 08:39:57 +08:00
For a detailed description of the plugin, please visit [coreprotect.net ](https://coreprotect.net ).
2021-06-04 08:10:55 +08:00
2021-07-16 05:43:57 +08:00
| Quick Links | |
| --- | --- |
| CoreProtect Discord: | [discord.gg/b4DZ4jy ](https://discord.gg/b4DZ4jy ) |
| CoreProtect Patreon: | [patreon.com/coreprotect ](https://www.patreon.com/coreprotect ) |
| CoreProtect Documentation: | [docs.coreprotect.net ](https://docs.coreprotect.net ) |
2023-08-01 08:39:57 +08:00
| Downloads for MC 1.14 - 1.20: | [coreprotect.net/latest ](https://coreprotect.net/latest/ ) |
2021-07-16 05:43:57 +08:00
| Downloads for MC 1.8 - 1.12: | [coreprotect.net/legacy ](https://coreprotect.net/legacy/ ) |
2021-07-16 05:12:03 +08:00
### [API Documentation](https://docs.coreprotect.net/api/)
### Dependency Information
< repository >
< id > playpro-repo< / id >
< url > https://maven.playpro.com< / url >
< / repository >
< dependency >
< groupId > net.coreprotect< / groupId >
< artifactId > coreprotect< / artifactId >
2024-05-14 07:43:49 +08:00
< version > 22.4< / version >
2021-07-16 05:12:03 +08:00
< scope > provided< / scope >
< / dependency >
2021-06-04 08:10:55 +08:00
2021-07-16 05:12:03 +08:00
CoreProtect is an open source project, and gladly accepts community contributions.
If you'd like to contribute, please read our contributing guidelines here: [CONTRIBUTING.md ](CONTRIBUTING.md )
2021-07-14 09:29:55 +08:00
2021-07-16 05:12:03 +08:00